Chapter 10 ( Secrets....secrets...secrets )

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He smirked and just glared at me too. I heard my mum calling us so I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of my room. Can’t risk leaving him there.

“Oh I almost forgot.” I walked back into the room and brought him the clothes he borrowed me last time.

“Thanks.” He took them and we left downstairs.

After lunch I walked J.D out.

“This was a very productive day.” He smirked and opened the door of the car.

“Well I had a lot of fun.”

“Me too.”

“Can you bring me the books tomorrow? I have to finish the homework till Friday.”

“I will. See you.”

He stood like that like he was hesitating for something and then he came close to me and leaned his head. But he only kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed immediately.

“Since you did that last time I guess it was mine turn now. Bye sugar.” He smiled and got into his car driving away.

I stood there maybe five minutes after he left. My cheek was burning from his kiss. How can someone be so sweet and rough and make me hate him and like him in the same time. I feel like I’m captured in flames I can’t walk away from.

I was late. I was so, so late. I ran down the halls to get to class. A little tip. Spending the night thinking about your crush is a bad idea. Especially on a schools night. Now I was late. I turned left down the hall when I hit somebody and fell on my ass.

“Better watch where you’re going. You don’t know who you’re going to bump into.”

I lifted my head to see Steven smirking. I wanted to get up and run but there was no escape while I was on the ground. He offered his hand to help me get up but I refused and got up on my own.

I tried to walk pass him but he kept on blocking my way.

“What do you want? Just let me get to class.”

“Well why aren’t you already there. The class started ten minutes ago.”

“I’m late and it’s none of your business why.”

I tried again but no use.

“What do you want?” I yelled. He put his finger on his mouth telling me to keep quiet. “No need to yell sweetheart.”

I started walking backwards and turn to run but he grabbed my hand into a tight grip.

“Wrong move.”

“Let me go freak.” I tried to pull of. “If you don’t I’ll scream.”

“Listen you little bitch. You made a mistake when you decided to get involve in this and you really pissed me off the last time. I don’t see why I still haven’t done anything about it but I’ll give you a choice. Ether you convince J.D to come back to work for Craw or you are…” He did a knife with his finger under his throat. “Got it?”

I nodded my head. He let go of my hand. “Make sure you tell this to J.D.”

After I walked few steps away I glared angry. “Why do you want him anyway. Leave him alone. Find someone else to torture.”

“You care for him how sweet.”

I didn’t stop glaring angry.

“Run along sweetheart.”

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu