Lady Luck (Chapter 11)

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I could feel every lust. Not just from him, but including my own.

A dangerous combination of a man who's insane, arrogant, and possessive.

I should be scared...but right now I feel nothing but desire.

'I must be going crazy' I thought.

But at this point, I know I'm already crazy.
I've always noticed I got a different kind of soft spot for twisted kinks. My body and mind would automatically become vulnerable and submissive whenever a dominating hot fuck is infront of me.

"Answer me." those words snapped me back from my thoughts.

Come to think of it, if I look closely enough, he looks quite similar to Cain.

Perhaps they're related. I almost laugh at my own statement.

"I..." That was the only thing I could mutter. His eyes burned mine and his arms grasped me again.

"Speak" he commands, smirking as his gaze never left me.

We were inches away;so close that I started praying he won't hear how loud my heart is beating right now.

He might think I'm enjoying being held hostage and might even call me a sick fuck.

"What do you think I want?" his tone was stern, like an owner tugging a leash.

"You.. You want me to dance.." I stutter. god, I shouldn't have drank too much.

I trembled more as I notice his smirk become more sinister

"Is that all you think I want? Tell me, what else do you think I want from you?" He asks again.

He leans into my ear–holding me tightly so I don't fall from how far I'm trying to lean away from him.

"Stop trembling and answer my question. I can feel your knees getting weak." he whispers

"I- I don't know"

"Please... why me of all people?"

He tugs back to look at me, smiling as if he was waiting for me to ask that question. "Because you're beautiful"

His words sent a shiver down my spine. Is this guy for real? No way he would commit this much trouble just because of some stupid reason.

"And.. I want you." He adds as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. Now, I'm fully convinced he's nuts.

"I- I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend." I lied. Hoping that he'll buy it and he's not insane enough to screw with a woman who's in a relationship.

"You have a boyfriend" I could finally feel the hesitation in his movements as if he was contemplating on what to do next.

I didn't ease up yet, no. It was too early, I had to make sure I'd get out of here for good.

"Yes..." I answer, assuring him that I'm already taken.

He takes a step back and I shudder when I see a huge grin drawn on his face. No... this is bad.

I was fooled into believing I still had a chance to escape.

"Liar." He smirked at me and I knew I had no control whatsoever, not even on my own actions.

The moment I acquainted with this man, I no longer had the freedom to do anything. He was the type to manipulate the entire room no matter where, no matter how, and no matter what.

His hand gripped my jaw, just tight enough to force me to look up at him. My neck already fucking hurts cause he's tall as hell. "I hate liars." he blurts out. I could finally see those eyes clearly as he looked down on me.
We are playing cats and mouse, and I'm definitely the mouse.

His fingers tightened more and I wince from the pain. "Tell me the truth." his voice cold and demanding.

At least I learned another survival tip: don't fucking lie.

I didn't answer, I couldn't. His grip around my jaw was so fucking tight that I could feel a migraine.

His finger suddenly brushed from my cheek to my lips, it pushed my mouth open and slithered inside.

Tears formed around my eyes as I failed to hold them back, but my face remained the same–I looked at him with hatred.

The tears reflected into his purple eyes and I hate to admit it made him even more beautiful despite I'm the one tearing up.

He swiftly loosened his grasp to wipe the tears off of my cheek with his thumb and had the audacity to act concern. "Did I hurt you?"

Fucking hypocrite

My jaw feels like it's going to fall to the floor so I stayed silent.

Suddenly I hear a click and my eyes widen as I see my right hand cuffed into a pole in the middle of the room.

Wait.. I'm sure this wasn't here before.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I glare at the man who just went back to the side after cuffing me.

"Ahh" My head whips back to the man chuckling while he stood–towering over me. I still don't know his name and I'm not planning on getting to know the fucker.

His voice echoes the room. I'm still tipsy but I could pin point that the room is sound proof.

My thoughts lingered to my friends, did they notice I'm gone? I hope they did.

Suddenly someone grabs my free hand and pulls me back towards reality. He leans in and whispers into my ear, "don't worry" his voice was cold but it had the hint of amusement.

Before I could react, his lips harshly crashed into mine. I was stunned.

As soon as I could feel his tongue parting my lips, I tried to tug back but his other hand is on the back of my head to stop me from resisting.

People were watching, it was embarrassing but also exciting.
'What? Fuck no! What's wrong with you??!' I retort to my sick thoughts

He presses more into me and now I could feel his tongue pushing mine aside so it could explore my mouth more.

"Mmph-!" A moan escapes me as I try to pull away. I need air.

"Anh...stop.." I moan in between kisses. I could already feel my knees getting weak and I'm sure he did too cause now his arms around my waist are basically the only thing keeping me standing.

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