Crystal Venom

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It has been a few days since our mission on the Balmera and I still feel exhausted, although I'm sure that we all were after our first mission. But mostly Allura and I are the ones who took the biggest toll on saving the Balmera.

After performing the rejuvenation ceremony, the two of us couldn't walk without help. It took all five Paladins to guide me back to my room, even though I tried not to make things difficult for them. By the time I reached my bed, I barely had enough energy to take off my suit so I'd still be comfortable while I rested.

I hardly leave my room to do anything, except step outside to stretch my legs out in the hallway. Besides that, I spend most of my time resting and eating food that the others bring me to regain my energy.

As boring as it is, I don't have any reason to complain. I've spent most of my life on a cold metal floor in Galra prison. Now I have a comfy bed, unlocked door, free will to eat when I please, and friends who can come visit if they ever want to talk with me.

Coincidentally, the door opens and Hunk comes walking in with a plate of food.

"Hey, Kayleigha. How are you doing?"
Hunk greets me.

I sit up and yawn, "Hello, Hunk. I'm doing okay."

"I brought you something for your blood sugar." He says, holding out the dish and I accept it. I don't know what kind of food this is, but I can already tell by the smell that it's something delicious.

As I start to eat, Hunk and I have a little chat about what he and the other Paladins have been doing for the past few days.

"So, how's Allura doing? Is her recovery coming along as good as mine at least?" I ask before eating another bite.

"She's better. I heard from Coran she's been getting out of bed more and he even found her in King Alfor's AI Chamber earlier." Hunk replies.

I swallow and smile at him, "I'm glad she can move on her feet again."

"Well, she still needs help after walking for a short time."

"I'm just glad she's regaining her strength. That ceremony took a lot out of both of us."

"Yeah, I know." He agrees, "And now that we're talking about it, I've been thinking about asking something. How were you able to perform the ceremony with Allura?"

"Hmm?" I hum, due to having my mouth full.

"I mean, I get that she could do it because she's an Altean Princess with some special powers. But I'm a little confused how you were able to do it, too. How could a dragon like you heal an entire Balmera in an Altean Rejuvenation ceremony?"

I silently replay his question in my head. The same question that I keep asking myself during these last few days.

"Your question is as good as mine, Hunk. I'm not sure what I was even going through when we were on the Balmera. All that I have figured out is that somehow I could connect with the Balmera, I could feel its pain, and I was able to give it my strength and energy."

"You could give your strength to the Balmera?" Hunk asks, "What does that even mean?"

"I don't know. That's just what Shay's grandmother told me. She said I had some kind of unique power in me, but I don't know what that is." I answer, "I don't have any idea how I was able to heal the planet with the Princess and I have no regrets about almost dying to do it, but something about it scares me."

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