Nothing Makes Sense!

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Things are beginning to change for me.

After I finally opened up to Champion, or really Shiro, I actually feel more expressive of myself than before. Not only that but I also feel like I suddenly had something heavy lifted right off my shoulders, probably that I'm now feeling relieved of not being alone.

I've learned a lot of things from Shiro, including things about him. The planet he hails from is called Earth. Though I don't know what planets are like since I've never been to one, he explained that Earth is mostly made up of water, along with large pieces of land where all the humans live.

He told me that he was part of some kind of space exploration program called the Galaxy Garrison. He's a commander pilot and a legendary space explorer to other humans, though he doesn't seem to let it go to his head. Which he shouldn't, pride can be a real distraction.

Though Shiro really does have a lot to tell me, I can't help but feel overlooked because of the fact that I hardly have any experience compared to him. I might even say that I'm a little jealous that he got to grow up in a world outside of a spaceship.

But I don't really show it. I'm used to how I go throughout my days here. It's not like it can be any worse.

Besides, I really shouldn't be holding anything against Shiro. Like me, he never asked to be a prisoner, and from what he's told me, none of the humans on Earth even know that the Galra, or any other intelligent beings exist out here in space. This kind of thing worries Shiro, because if the Galra were to ever come to his home planet, they'd be vulnerable to their attack.

There's one other thing that's often brought up when we talk; finding a way to escape prison. I keep telling him that it's impossible, not just because I think the Galra would catch us, but also because I've tried before. And failed.

Back when I was a nearly grown dragonet, I was more rebellious to what the Galra did with me. I got so furious about how much they've been hurting me, that whenever they opened the cell to retrieve me, I made multiple attempts to run straight out and get away. Of course, I ended up failing all of them. Eventually I stopped after they didn't bring me food for three days, impounding me to 'show them some respect and obedience.'

I find everything much simpler to go by my assigned commander's every word, since then I don't have to face anything worse than what I already am. I've already admitted this to Shiro when he asked me about fighting back, but even though my way of survival seems reasonable, he hasn't changed his mind.

I don't know what's going on in his head that would make him think of something reckless, but I'm concerned about what might happen if he crosses the line.


After a few Vargas, or hours as Shiro would say, I pace in circles in the cell, waiting for him to come back. The Galra have been doing a lot with him lately. From what he's told me, Shiro has been in the gladiator fights lately. They also take him for their experiments every once in a while, doing strange things that put him through a lot of pain and stress.

This does explain the way he acts when they bring him back. And when he's in shock, I always move to calm him down.

The doors open again and I stop moving. Shiro is thrown inside, only he manages to stay on his feet this time. I wait for the drones to leave so I can see if he's all right, but instead they look from Shiro to me.

"Starblaze, Commander Sendak has orders for you to come to your trial." One of them says.

I'm shocked as they say this. I haven't thought about my next trial since I last spoke to Sendak. I don't even have a clue on what I'm going to face.

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