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3rd POV

Things just got intense. The Paladins just liberated the Balmera from the Galra fleet. But now, something has crash landed on the surface, something dangerous no doubt.

Voltron stares intensely at the large dark and red container in front of them.

"Paladins, what's happening? What is up there?" Kayleigha asks.

"It's one of those ships that crashed on Arus, the one with the monster inside it." Shiro replies.

"Oh, no." Pidge says.

"Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there." Hunk begs, "Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine."

"I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk." Lance says.

"If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it." Keith says confidently.

"I'm not sure Zarkon would be that foolish to send a monster you know how to fight." Kayleigha says, sharing her uncertainty, "He's very unpredictable."

"Still, gotta be prepared."

The Paladins ready their sword and shield to fight what's coming.

"Hold your ground!" Shiro orders.

After a minute of silence, the Galra container opens, revealing a different monster. It's tall with long arms and legs, its head has a fleshy tone with sharp teeth, and its entire body is covered from the neck down with red and black armor.

The monster is limp, like it's asleep, waiting for the command to attack. Suddenly, the beast lifts its head and its large eyes glow green. The center starts to glow the same color, like it is charging up.

All of a sudden, the monster fires a green laser beam at Voltron. The legendary defender quickly blocks the attack with its shield, but they are pushed back by the force of the blast.

"It's not candy!" Hunk shouts.

"And it's not the same monster!" Lance adds.

Voltron spins around to avoid the beast's powerful blast.

"We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface." Shiro says.

Voltron charges at the monster, but it quickly flies higher in the air and fires another laser at them. The Paladins groan as the blast hits their shield and are pushed back again.

Voltron flies around to dodge the laser beam and flies towards the monster to attack. The robot swings its sword to slice it, but the beast ducks under the blade and shoots a beam from one of its eyes. It hits Voltron's side, but the robot regains its balance in time to dodge another shot.

Voltron flies up to dodge and tries to put some distance between them and the beast. When Voltron lands, they hold up their shield to block another attack.

"We can't hold out!" Lance exclaims.

"My Lion's weakening! If the shield sustains structural damage, we're done for!" Pidge informs.

"Pidge is right!" Keith says.

"Oh, Pidge is right. I'm the one that said, 'We can't hold out!'" Lance says in annoyance.

"Lance, watch your footing!" Keith shouts.

It's too late for Lance to hear Keith's warning. The Blue Lion crashes into a hill behind it, causing them to trip over it. The Paladins groan as Voltron falls to the ground.

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