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A few movements have passed since the diamond flight test, plus a few more others, Commander Zentil has decided it was time to discuss with the Emperor what's next with my training. Though I think I may have the potential to be able to fight for him, something tells me that my training tests could not be coming to an end.

I'm on the bridge of the ship, my head bowing while Zentil stands in front of me as he orders the lieutenant to contact Zarkon. A transmission screen appears and Zentil kneels as soon as Zarkon's face appears.

"Emperor Zarkon, I am here to report that Starblaze has made improvements in her training." He reports, "She's become a faithful servant to our Empire, I believe she might be ready for the next phase of your plan."

"Take her to the main fleet and have the Druids begin the procedures of what you've collected." Zarkon's voice shivers my spine, it almost sounds like he's here, "We'll see how much it takes to harden her spirit."

Druids? I remember them, they used to do different kinds of experiments on me when I was 10 decaphoebs old. I wonder what they're planning this time.

As ordered, we head to the main fleet while I'm waiting in my cell again. When we arrive, I get an escort to a different ship, it looks a bit bigger than the one I was in. The sentries lead me to a large room about half the size of the room I trained in, where another soldier is waiting. One of the drones talks to him while I keep my head down and ignore them. If it's not me they're talking to, it's not something I should worry about.

"Eyes up, Starblaze."

I lift my head, facing the soldier as soon as I hear him speak. He glares directly into my gaze, filling the room with complete silence. I try not to look intimidated by his startling appearance.

His right eye is scarred and replaced with a red mechanical lens, and his left arm is made up of purple energy, connecting his shoulder to a giant metal hand with claws.

"Make preparations for her first trial," he orders the sentries without turning his head, "Until it's been done, have this beast sent down to the brig. Put her with the Champion."

Trial? Champion? I wonder who that could be.

They take me down to the prison bay and I can hear voices from a lot of prisoners in their cells as we walk by. I usually ignore them as well, whatever they're thinking is almost always the same thing, 'It's a dragon.' 'It's Starblaze.' 'She's a monster.' 'What are they gonna make her do to us?' 'Is she gonna kill us?'

Blah-blah, like no one knows about all that already. I don't care though, there are things the Galra have that are worse than me.

We turn down another hall and stop at the very end, one sentry opens the door in front of us. There inside, I can see a human sitting in the dark, staring at us in fear.

"Move, now." A drone directs me to the cage. I comply and step inside, before glancing back to listen to hear any instructions.

"There will be no brawling from either of you or you will have retribution. Lord Zarkon needs both of you alive for his purposes."

They then lock the door and leave us silently in the dark. I turn my attention to my new cellmate, who is still staring wide-eyed at me.

This human has light skin and black hair with a white tuft hanging over his forehead. He seems small for a sort of muscular body, but what gets me most is his entire right arm has been removed only to be replaced with Galra robotic.

This small creature is supposed to be the Champion? Even with a robot arm, he doesn't even look intimidating to me. I think I should test him, just to see what kind of gladiator he is.

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