Earth and Humans

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It's been five days since I stood up to the Galra to protect Shiro. When I had woken up after I was electrocuted, I found myself muzzled and cuffed onto a table for punishment, I couldn't move at all. They've been putting me through the worst pain I have ever been in the whole time. They never give me any water or food, they just let me suffer. The Galra say that I've gone too far to disobey and attack them.

But I have no regret for what I did, Shiro didn't deserve to get beaten like how they used to do to me. I just hope they haven't done anything to him after what happened. I hope he's alright.

I'm barely awake right now and I can't even bring myself to open my eyes. I feel so weak, I don't know how much longer I can take this before...

I think I hear doors opening, but I just feel too weak to notice, I'm starting to black out again.

"Kayleigha." I hear a faint voice, "Kayleigha, can you hear me? Wake up."

I feel something touch my snout, it feels gentle and sort of... familiar.

"Come on, Kayleigha, please. Wake up." Says the voice, it sounds more clear as I start to wake up.

Groaning, I carefully begin to open my eyes. It's all fuzzy at first, however, when my vision adjusts, I see a familiar face looking over me with concerned eyes.

"S-Shiro?" I managed to speak. I feel happy and relieved to see him, now that I'm seeing that he is okay.

"I'm gonna get you out of here. Just hold on." He whispers. He reaches under the table, then not a moment later, the cuffs are unlocked and the muzzle comes off.

I lift my head and nuzzle him when he stands up. I've been so worried about him, I feel like I almost want to hug him like it would be my last one.

"I'm so happy you're okay. How'd you escape?" I ask, my voice sounding raspy from dehydration.

"I promise I'll tell you everything, but right now we have to get moving. Can you walk?"

I carefully move to stand up, I feel a wave of dizziness only for a few ticks, but I manage to climb off the table and follow Shiro out the door.

As we're moving down the hallways to get to the escape pods, Shiro is breathing heavily and looks almost completely tired. I start to feel concerned as he stops and leans back onto a wall to catch his breath.

"Shiro, are you okay?"

He pants, "I'm fine. It's just the stuff they tried to knock me out with is catching up with my body."

"Just try to hold on a little longer." I tell him, moving my head under his arm to hold him up, "I'm not exactly sure if I can stay awake either from what the Galra did to me, but I think we can--"

There's the sound of heavy footsteps in the halls across from us. We both duck and hide behind the walls as two guards march by, completely unaware of us.

As they walk out of sight, Shiro moves from where he was and I follow behind him. We both look back at the sentries as we walk further into the hall, he starts to run forward but then knocks into a hovercraft that we both fail to notice. A container on the craft falls to the floor with a loud clang, alerting the sentries we tried to avoid.

"Run!" I shout.

We break for the escape pods not too far ahead of us, the guards give chase. I run as fast as I can to the nearest pod, I reach the touchpad and open the door.

Looking back at Shiro, I see that the drones are almost about to catch him. I react to protect him and make a charge at one of them, easily taking it down with one pounce. Suddenly I hear Shiro scream and turn to see him held up by the other drone, him struggling to break free from its tight grip. I snarl as I run to help him.

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