Return of the Gladiator

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Hey guys!

So sorry for the long wait. It's not very easy writing a story while trying to stay caught up with work and college. Also, I would like to apologize for the earlier update, that was an accident and this chapter wasn't fully complete at that time.

But now the wait is over and we're finally for a new chapter!

I hope you all enjoy it! And don't forget to comment, vote, and follow.



The sun is just starting to rise on Arus. I step out of the Castle of Lions, yawning while stretching my arms and back from my sleep. Taking a deep breath, I can smell the fresh air in the cool, gentle breeze.

It's only been a day since the Paladins figured out how to form Voltron. Even though it's not a very large amount of time, a good night's rest in bed does have benefits.

I'm awake before anyone else because I want to take the chance to fly around while the sun is coming. I remember how much I loved my first joy flight when we came here and I want to do that again today.

With the Castle being prepared for our departure from Arus and the Paladins planning to train more with Voltron later, who knows what other chances I might get for my free time before I'm stuck in a ship again? So I'm going to make the most of it.

I already begin running on the bridge, feeling the wind brush over my face as I gain speed. With just a few wingbeats, I lift myself off the ground and take to the air. A smile spreads on my face when my body feels as light as a feather.

I'm reliving the excited feeling I had before as I twirl myself through the air, I feel a tingle in my stomach when I let myself fall before flying up again. There are so many different maneuvers I want to try out.

I tip my body slightly to the side and allow my body to turn around, flying towards the lake behind the castle. My wings spread wide as I glide gracefully over the large stretch of water, my body just a few inches from touching the surface. I reach one talon down and let it cut through the water as I continue to fly.

After a short moment, I begin flying up again, heading straight towards the sky. I swiftly move through the air, flying around to avoid most of the giant clouds, before pushing myself upwards again. Letting my body roll, I spin rapidly as I soar higher into the sky. Eventually, I slow down and pause in mid-air before letting myself fall, roaring happily as my body drops through one of the clouds.

I do a few summersaults as I fall, then turn into a diving position. The wind is whistling in my ears as I dive closer to the ground. Suddenly, I spread my wings out again and catch myself in mid-air just before I can crash into the trees.

I fly towards the castle, going in circles around its spires. I circle the tallest one while gradually getting higher, then I shoot straight up again.

Now that I think about it, I'm probably acting the same way as the Blue Lion when we found it on Earth. Except I don't have a small group of people screaming in my head, that would give me a headache. What a funny thought.

Eventually, the sun is high enough to shine light all over this part of the planet, meaning that I have been out for probably a couple of hours now. Time goes by faster when you're having fun. I want to stay outside for a little while longer, but I can feel my wings getting a bit sore and it could be a matter of time before the Lions start flying out of the Castle.

Making my way back to the Castle entrance, I smoothly touch down on the ground, when my ears twitch at the sound of a roar, followed by a few more. Suddenly, the Voltron Lions come flying out of the castle's spires and take to the sky.

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