Return To The Balmera

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"Oh, BLIP Tech!" Pidge says, adjusting her lenses. Allura looks at Pidge confused.

"It's an acronym." Pidge clarifies. Allura continues.

"One of you will need to fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side. Then we'll be able to see where the Galra and the Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits."

"I can do it." Pidge volunteers, "I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unnoticed."

Coran pulls up a visual from below, revealing a large generator on the Balmera's surface.

"That's their main power generator." He says, "If you take that down, it will severely weaken their defenses."

"We'll stay in cloud cover and give tactical support." Allura says, "With the Castle's defenses weakened from Sendak's Crystal, we won't be of much help to you."

"I'll take out the power generator. Keith, Lance, Hunk, you take out these big mining rigs around the area." Shiro says before turning to me.

"Kayleigha, you'll ride with me. You can back us up when we reach the tunnels. You think you're up for it?"

I nod in determination, "I'm more than prepared for the fight ahead."

"Yeah! Okay, let's do this! Let's go kick some alien butt!" Hunk shouts excitedly.

While the Paladins suit up and make their way to their Lions, I put on my armor and rush to the Black Lion's hanger. When I get there, the Lion is just preparing for launch.

"Hey, Shiro, I'm here!" I shout.

The Black Lion turns its gaze toward me and lowers its head to the ground, opening its mouth to allow me to enter.

"So, you've got armor now?" Shiro asks as I enter the cockpit.

"Yep. Allura and Coran gave it to me shortly after the rebel incident. Should make things a lot easier for this mission." I say before grabbing onto the back of his seat, "So, are we ready?"

Shiro responds silently by gripping the handles. We both watch the tunnel in front of us light the way out.

"You think the Balmerans will have a parade for us after we've freed everybody?" Lance asks, his face appearing on the dashboard. Keith then appears as well.

"It's not about the glory, Lance. It's about freeing prisoners from Zarkon." he says.

"No, I know. I know. But still. When they--" Lance is suddenly cut off by his Lion launching outside.

The Lions fly out into space and towards the Balmera. We break through its atmosphere and head for the surface. As soon as we get close, the Galra defenses come online and start firing at us as expected.

"This is it. Get your heads in the game." Shiro says, dodging the lasers, "Remember, the Balmera is a living creature. Make sure you pinpoint only the Galra installations and not its surface."

The Lions split up to complete their different missions, Black heading to the generator, Blue, Red, and Yellow are already attacking the Galra arsenal, and Green breaks off from the battle to drop the sensors.

"Initiating cloak." Pidge says. She activates the cloak and the Green Lion turns invisible.

Shiro hovers the Black Lion as we analyze the generator.

"How do I take this thing down?" Shiro asks, "Do you know any weak points I can hit?"

"I'm not an expert on schematics, but I think taking out those energy spires on the generator is the best target." I suggest.

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