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March 19th 2022 / 3 weeks later  Saturday

Tzuyus POV

Outside My House

"It's really goodbye...the end of us", I said.

"I'll still come over. See you and Jia and you can always visit".

"You know why we have to do this...".

"I know...".

"Do you need any more help?", I asked.

"I'll be fine".

"Take care then....".

"You too", she said and got into the car.


I looked at Jia.

"Do you not love each other anymore?", she asked.

"No, we do... just its the right thing to let one another go", I said.

"Is it because you always argue?".

"Yes it was not healthy for you or for Ari...".

"Shell still see us right?".

"Of course", I said.

~ Time Skip ~

Minas POV

Living Room

"You guys really ended things huh", Momo said.

"We always argued. And even if we love each other it's not good for Ari to grow up with it Or Jia".

"No way you guys could work it out?".

"We've tried several times but we keep going in circles", I said.

"But what if being apart is just going to her you guys even more? Especially if maybe she finds someone new", she said.

"She's not like that to move on that quick".

"Mina she's a CEO anyone would want her".

"She only has ever loved two people out of all the people she's dated and that me and Sha".

"You mean Sana?", she asked.

"Yes, Sana".

"Wait what?".

"Sana was her first love back in her school years", I said.

"So she didn't even love the mother of her daughter?".


"And you are fine with your stripper best friend being all over Tzuyu?".

"Sana isn't what you think she is", I said.

"Well she's a stripper and your ex-finance ex and first love".

"Okay let's not talk about Sana", I said.

~ Time Skip ~

I just manage to put Ari to bed and saw my phone vibrating. I looked down and saw it was Tzuyu calling. I answer the call.

Me: Hey

Tz: Hi, you are not busy right?

Me: No are you?

Tz: Just paperwork

Me: Hard paperwork?

Tz: Yes.. it keeping my mind off the situation right now.. but I'll get used to the feeling of it... I hope

Me: It's hard for me as well... and it feels so odd without you

Tz: ...We will ever get back together?

Me: I don't know... maybe

Tz: Then... what do we do? Just date someone else is that the solution to this? Because I doubt dating someone else will ever take my mind off you

Me: Tzuyu

Tz: Is there no way we can talk it out? Talk about what the sole issue is.

Me: We've been over this

Tz: I know...but I can't help but wish we didn't have to do this

Me: I wish we didn't have to either. I love you okay

Tz: I love you too...

Me: You should get back to your paperwork don't stress

Tz: Try not... goodbye

Me: Goodbye

She ended the call. This is going to be harder than I thought.

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