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May 22nd 2016 / Sunday

Tzuyus POV

Living Room

She's been ignoring me the entire morning and right now her outfit is way too revealing. I got up walking towards her.

"You need to change your outfit", I said.

"You don't control what I wear".

"She's right Dad you cant", Xiaojia said.

"Your mine", I said whispering in Sharon's ear.

"I'm no one's property especially not yours".

I was slightly pushed away. And the two left the house.

~ A few minutes later ~

Outside The House

I grabbed her wrist.

"I didn't mean that", I said.

"I don't care what you mean. You made it very clear what you see me as".

"No different to men in there. Let go now".

I let go of her wrist.

"Your wrong".

"I'm not wrong. You objectify me".

"Well, how do you expect when you are wearing something like that?", I asked.

"It doesn't matter what I wear!".

"And I quit after today. I don't want to see your face ever again".

They walked away.

~ A few minutes later ~

Minas POV


"Are you really going to quit?".

"Your dad has brought me to my last string", I said.

"But I like you and dads only around really early in the morning and late at night".

"If your father apologises to me when we return I'll stay if not I will leave until she apologise and if she never apologizes hen Im sorry".

~ Time Skip ~

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