Last Resort

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Two days later, Parvati finally made up her mind. That morning, Jaya and Vijaya went to her room.

"You're not going to go today as well?" Jaya asked.

"So we are putting away your things" said Vijaya and as they were about to leave, Parvati stopped them.

"No... Wait. I'll go."

"You will?" they both exclaimed together. Parvati nodded. Her friends happily helped her get ready and prepared her things for worship. They were finally relieved to see Parvati back to being her self again.

Parvati soon reached her destination but was surprised to find that the usual lush surrounding of the mountains had become dry. The flowers had died and the birds sat silent but as soon as she stepped inside, she heard the chirping of the birds once again. She looked around to find the lifeless trees had become green again. As if they were waiting for her. She went inside and saw that Shiva was meditating as usual and Nandi was sitting at his feet, disheartenedly but as she stood in front of them, Shiva felt her presence and opened his eyes.

"Pranam, Mahadev!" She greeted.

Her voice made Nandi jolt up and he ran to her feet.

"Mata! Mata you're here. Why didn't you come here for so long? Do you know how worried we were? What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Nandi. Don't worry."

"Then what happened, Mata?" he asked.

Parvati couldn't answer. How could she say that her unreasonable insecurity prevented her from going there.

" It's that.." She couldn't say anything but she couldn't lie either. Shiva sensed her hesitation.

"Leave it, Nandi. She must have her reasons. Anyways she is coming here by her own will so it's her choice when she wants to come or not" Shiva explained to Nandi who nodded. Parvati looked at him with gratitude. Everything else went as usual and she went back but she did stick to her previous schedule now.

On the other hand, the Gods had become restless. Indra couldn't wait any longer. They were being humiliated by Tarakasur as well as they were loosing their powers. So Devraj had to look for a solution. He ignored Brahma's warning and decided to interfere and unite Shiva and Parvati himself and the one name that immediately came to him became his solution.

"Give your orders, Devraj. What can I do for you?" said the charming Kam Dev as he stood in the meeting that Indra had called. Kam, the God of love and desire was handsome and youthful and was decked in floral jewellery. He carried along his arrows of desire or the 'Panch Kam Van'. He was called upon by Indra as he couldn't think of anyone else other than him.

"Welcome, my friend. It is unfortunate that I cannot receive you properly due to our current state but do know that you are very dear to me" said Indra. Usually he wasn't this civil with any other dieties but he needed Kam Dev.

"Just say the words and I will do your job" said the Love - God.

"You have to do your job, Madan. You have to make two souls fall in love."

"This is what I do best, Devraj. But who are they?" Kam Dev said, confidently.


"What! It is impossible, Indra Dev! Mahadev is Adi yogi. He is Indrieshwar. He has gained control over his senses. How can I arise desire in him? No no, I cannot do this" Kam Dev exclaimed. Indra was getting frustrated.

"But you are our only hope. We are in danger and only the union of Shiva and Shakti can save us. And anyways you have the greatest of powers, my friend. You can make anyone fall in love with just your arrows. You were even successful in making Brahma, your father, fall for his own creation. Imagine, if you manage to arouse Shiva himself then you will be the most powerful" said Indra with every intention to manipulate him. This boosted Kam's ego.

"Alright. I will do as you say but I would need the assistance of my wife, Rati and my friend, Vasant."

"Do whatever you need to do. You have my support" Indra assured him.

It was planned that the next day when Parvati would go to visit Shiva, they would execute their plans.

Shiv Shakti - The Mountains Bound Us! (Haimavati)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें