And Two Becomes One

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Few days had passed since the grand wedding of Shiva and Parvati. Kailash hadn't been filled with so much love, laughter and joy in a long time. It felt like an eternal spring had set on the mountain peak. It was not just a mountain anymore but now it was a home.

One day, like usual, Shiva was siting on his meditation seat and Parvati was standing beside him, with her flower basket in hand. They were laughing and joking with the ganas. Suddenly Nandi came in.

"Prabhu, your devotee Maharishi Bhringi is wanting to meet you. Should I call him in?"

Shiva's smile faltered a little but he regained himself and said, "Bring him, Nandi. It's time to give him darshan."

Nandi obliged and went back and came in with Rishi Bhringi. The sage was short in height and was thin with a face full of salty beard. He came and joined his hands and greeted Shiva. He nodded in response. Then he glanced at Parvati and then looked away. This startled her but she didn't react. But Shiva became stern.

"Prabhu, I am honored to have your vision. I have a request. Can I do your parikrama?" Rishi Bhringi said.

"I accept. You can definitely do my parikrama but you have to go around Parvati as well."

Rishi Bhringi scrunched his eyebrows and said, "Prabhu, I am your devotee and I will do your parikrama not your wife's."

Parvati and Shiva both got a bit agitated but Nandi became angrier but Shiva asked them to stay calm, mentally.

"Rishi Bhringi, you must know that Parvati is my Shakti. My other half. Without her, I am incomplete and you cannot worship an incomplete deity" Shiva tried to explain but Bhringi did not heed to his words.

"Prabhu, I don't believe that Devadidev Mahadev can be incomplete. You are Param Purush. The complete man. It is my request that I only want to worship you."

Shiva knew it was in vain to make him understand so he agreed and said, "Alright Rishivar. If that is what you want, then go on but I have a condition. Parvati will sit here right beside me. If you can go around only me without her, then you are welcome."

Shiva extended his hand and called Parvati to sit beside him. She gave him a look that meant she knew very well that he was upto something.

"You can start your parikrama now if you want" he said.

Rishi Bhringi knew that it would be difficult to avoid Parvati while going around Shiva but he was adamant. He had attained a lot of powers through his tap and using that he transformed into a snake and slowly started to slither up. As he was about go around Shiva, he silently gestured at Parvati and she understood what he meant. She got up from her seat and sat on Shiva's left lap. This restricted Bhringi's path and he could not go in between them. Defeated, he returned to his place and turned back to his original form.

"I had told you earlier, Rishi Bhringi, that it is impossible to worship me without Parvati but you did not listen" said Shiva.

"If Shiva is Purush, then I'm Prakriti. We are complete with each other. We have been since the beginning" Parvati added.

"That is why, today you and everyone will witness our original form. The way we have been since the creation. As Ardhanareshwar."

Saying so, Shiva and Parvati got up. Their body started to glow and then both of them merged as one. It was the primordial point of creation. The oneness of Man and Nature. Male and Female. Shiva and Shakti.
On the right side was Shiva who represents Purush or Man who is the outer appearance. He is the body.The one who works. In his right upper hand was his Trishul and lower hand was in the Vara mudra. The left side consisted of Shakti who represents Prakriti or Nature (woman). She is the soul. The one who makes the body work. In her upper left hand, she held a lotus and her lower hand was in Abhaya mudra. She is the energy that rejuvenates the still mind which is man. Man without nature is like a corpse and nature without man has no purpose. Both are one. Shiva and Shakti complete each other just like man and nature.
Thus, as Ardhanareshwar, they represent the unification of the mind and soul.

All the Gods witnessed this from heaven and showered flowers on them. The ganas laid down in respect.

"So now did you understand, Rishi Bhringi.? Shiva and Shakti are one" Ardhanareshwar said together.

But Bhringi wasn't convinced. He still felt that Shiva, being the man, did not need a woman to complete him. What he did next was unthinkable. He took the form of a small bee and flew towards them and then tried to sting them in the forehead from the middle to separate them. This act infuriated both Shiva and Parvati. Parvati took the bee and threw him on the ground who transformed in to his original form and cried in pain. Ardhanareshwar again returned back to their original forms and both of them were fuming.

"How dare you, Rishi Bhringi!" Parvati screamed in anger, "We tried to teach you about the oneness of Shiva and Shakti. Of man and woman but you refused to understand so much so that you tried to separate us. You think a man has no need for a woman right? Okay then, I curse you that all that you have got from your mother, a woman, that is blood and muscles will leave your body and you will stay just as a structure of bones and skin. You will loose all your strength and powers and will become like a corpse because even Shiva is a shava without Shakti. You will stay like this. This is your punishment. "

As these words escapes Parvati's voice, Bhringi immediately lost all his blood and muscles and became extremely pale. He laid there like a weakling. He couldn't move his body because he had lost his strength. He realised what he had done and cried out in regret.

"I am so sorry, Mata. I was a fool who could not understand your importance. I insulted you and disregarded women who are a part of you. I failed to understand that this creation runs because of the union of Shiva and Shakti. I was so blinded by pride that even after seeing Ardhanareshwar in front of me, I did not realise the truth. But now I have. Please forgive me, oh divine mother. You are the ocean of kindness. Forgive this mere child of yours. Mahadev, I seek forgiveness from you as well as even after your multiple warnings, I did not listen to you. My pride overshadowed my devotion. Please forgive me! "

Parvati calmed down hearing his plea. She was the mother of the universe, after all. Her face softened and said," You are genuinely regretful so I accept your apology but I cannot reverse the curse I have given. Only Mahadev can help you now. "

She turned to Shiva and requested the same. He nodded.

"If Shakti has forgiven you, then so will I. Your curse cannot be taken back but as a remedy, I'm giving you a third leg which will give you all the strength you need. It will also remind you to always be humble."

Shiva gave Bhringi a third leg and he slowly stood up and joined his hands.

"I will be forever grateful to you, oh divine Mother and Father. I have another request. I want to remain with you and serve you both forever. Is it possible?"

Shiva smiled, "Alright. From today, you will become one of my main ganas along with Nandi and will stay here in Kailash."

Rishi Bhringi transformed from a sage to a gana. He cheered in joy.

"Har Har Mahadev! Jay Ma Shakti!"

Everyone joined in as well. Shiva and Parvati went and sat down and behind them, their Ardhanareshwar form appeared in the sky, indicating they will always be present together, forever as one.

The Gods sang in praise.

|| Champeya gowrardha sareerakayai,
Karpoora gourardha sareerakaya,
Dhamillakayai cha jatadaraya,
Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya ||

May Ardhanareshwar bless you all!

............. The End .........

Shiv Shakti - The Mountains Bound Us! (Haimavati)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant