Hardships Of Love

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Parvati soon reached the place which she had chosen for her sadhana. The forest was quite and was covered in green trees. She kept her water pot and rosery beads and took some Ganga jal and cleansed the area. Then she went to the nearby river and brought water. She collected some flowers and bilva leaves and proceeded to make a Shiva Linga out of mud. She was an expert and the Shiva Linga turned out to be perfect. She poured the water on it and did his Jalabhishek and offered the bilva leaves and flowers. She finished her puja and sat on a large piece of rock opposite to it. She folded her legs and put her hands on her knees in dhyan mudra as she chanted.

"Om Namah Shivaya!"

All the Gods looked on to her with hope and adoration as they all gathered in Vaikunth. Vishnu looked at her and smiled.

"Parvati has started her journey towards her destiny. Her Sadhana is the most efficient form of 'Brahma Gyan' or the 'Divine Knowledge' and that is why from today she will be known as 'Brahmacharini'."

"But Narayan, this might take a lot of time. How will we manage the Asuras till then?" said Indra.

"Devraj, you have to learn to be patient. Don't you remember what happened last time when you tried to hurry. Kam Dev was killed. So I suggest that you remain calm now and let Devi Adi Shakti do her work" Brahma said, giving him a glaring look. Indra became silent.

"But that doesn't mean that she will have to be alone in this. We all will help her" said Vishnu.

Parvati continued with her meditation. She would wake up once, perform her Puja, have some fruits and water and would go back to meditation once again. Like this, one day when she had just finished her daily worship, she felt somebody's hand on her head. She turned around and saw that the Protector of the Universe himself was standing in front of her.

"Narayan!" She was surprised and went to touch his feet but he stopped her.

"No. Don't do it. Did you forget that you are my little sister. How can a sister touch her brother's feet? She always has his blessings and love."

Parvati smiled at his words. He gave her some water and fruits.

"I'm honored to have you as my brother, Narayan. Thank you for all that you have done for me because I know all this while, you have been helping me from behind" She said.

"No, Parvati. It is my honor to have Shakti as my sister. And anyways we are like two peas in a pod, how could I not help you? Especially when I know Shiva and his stubbornness so well."

"I appreciate your help, brother but I know that if I have to bring Mahadev to me then I have to do it on my own. So it is my request that from now on, I do not want any help from you or any other dieties. This is my test and I have to succeed on my own. Only then can I attain myself and my Mahadev" Parvati said with a bit of sternness in her voice.

"But, sister...."

"Please, brother. It is my request. Don't help me."

Vishnu sighed. He had to agree to her. She was as stubborn as his friend.

"No wonder they are a perfect match!" he thought in his mind and then caressed Parvati's head.

"Alright, sister. I comply to your wish but remember I am always here for you whenever you need me."

Parvati smiled and nodded. He embraced her and then left. Parvati felt happy that she had such a caring brother. Then she again went back to her sadhana.

As days went by, her austerities became more severe. She would sit around fire in hot burning summers, would sit in open areas during rain and would dip in cold waters during winters. Her skin had gotten paler and her hair had become rougher. Soon she even left eating fruits and only ate one leaf per day and so the Gods named her 'Ekparna'.

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