Power Within

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A few days went by like this. During this time, the Asuras had grown powerful. The Gods were being tortured. But Tarakasur was still insecure. His search for Shakti was going on and finally one day, he got to know about it. One of his messangers informed him that Adi Shakti had taken birth as the daughter of the mountain King, Himalaya and has already grown up. He was too informed that Parvati goes to meet Shiva every day although he doesn't acknowledge her. Tarakasur saw it as the perfect opportunity.

"Very well! It's good that Shiva doesn't care about her and I will make sure that he never does. I will not keep that Parvati alive" he growled. Then he called his soldiers.

"Soldiers! Tomorrow morning, right on the time when Parvati will go to meet Shiva, kidnap her and if you can't then kill her. By any how, I want her gone. Understood?"

His soldiers agreed and waited to fulfil their instructions.

The next day, as usual, Parvati got ready and set out. There had been a cold silence between her and Shiva. He would look at her and every time it seemed like he wanted to say something but would be quite. When she would leave, he'd nod at her and that's it. That was all interaction they had. But Nandi always stayed by her side and helped her in everything. He would lighten up her mood when she'd feel sad and neglected. She had gotten attached to him.

She set out on her path and was walking towards the north when suddenly she had to halt as she saw a man with a spear in front of her. He was not quite a man but looked like those Asuras she had heard about. Soon, she was surrounded by almost thirty of them. She was surrounded by all sides. She couldn't understand what was happening.

"Who are you all? Why are you here?"

"Princess, we are Tarakasur's army. We have clear instructions from him. You have to come with us or else we'd take you and if you even try to resist, we'll kill you right here, right now. So it would be better for you if you come with us!" answered one of the men.

Parvati was bewildered. Why was she being targeted? She couldn't understand. She backed away a little but there were men at the back as well.

"Don't you understand simple words? Looks like we have to drag you. "

Saying so, one of the soldiers gripped Parvati's wrist tightly and started to drag her. She struggled to let go his grip but it was strong. After a while, she finally managed to get free. A bruise had formed on her wrist. The flowers she had collected had fallen from her hands. She was panting. Then she looked fiercely at them.

"What do you think? Because I'm a woman, I cannot protect myself? That I'm not eligible to stand against you all?" Parvati said with an unusually deep voice which sounded like a low growl.

"You talk to much! We have no other choice but to kill you" said a soldier and tried to grasp her arm from the back but she punched him in the stomach with her elbow. The fierce blow made him stagger and fall to the ground. He couldn't get up. Now Parvati turned towards the man. She was fuming. That soft and innocent look was gone and her face was glowing. Now he was scared. She kicked him once and then took his sword and shield that had fallen on the ground and turned to the others.

Her hair was blowing in the wind. At this moment, she wasn't the Himalayan princess, Parvati but she was Adi Shakti herself. Parama Prakriti. She was the model of power. She pointed the sword at the rest of the army.

"Don't you dare to come near me or I'll finish all of you. I challenge you!" She exclaimed. But none of them listened and tried to attack Parvati but she was Shakti. They didn't stand a chance against her. Parvati, very expertly, defeated all the blows that were thrown at her. Her way of managing the sword and the shield simultaneously was admirable. She was a professional. Soon enough, all the men were defeated and were grounded. Parvati emerged victorious but had received a wound on her left arm. She looked at the soldiers lying, trying to get up. They were severely wounded.

"If I wanted, I could have killed all of you right now. But this place is the sacred place of Mahadev and I don't want to pollute it with bloodshed. That is why I'm saying go back at once. And if you ever even try to approach the Himalayan Kingdom or the Himalayan Princess, I swear this Parvati will be the end of yours. GO BACK! "

Parvati screamed. The demon army got scared seeing the Princess in this fearsome form and ran for their lives. Parvati took a deep breath and then threw the weapons on the ground. She looked around and saw the flowers she has collected for her worship had got ruined. She proceeded to collect the flowers once more.

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