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When everything was happening, Shiva and his troops were situated in the guest chambers. The Gods had gathered around there. They were worried as the wedding of Shiva and Shakti was on the verge of being cancelled. All their efforts would go to waste. Shiva was in a separate room and his ganas were waiting outside. That is when Parvati entered. Seeing her the dieties stood up and joined their hands in reverence. Parvati nodded in acceptance. The ganas came running to her and fell at her feet. She gently brought up everybody and blessed them.

"Get up, my sons. My blessings are always with you. But can you tell me where is Shiva?"

"Yes, Mata. Prabhu is in that room, sitting alone" Nandi said pointing to the room behind them.

"Then can you go and inform your Lord that I have come to meet him? I need to talk to him" Parvati said. Nandi nodded and immediately went inside. After Nandi left, Parvati turned to the Gods and the other guests.

"Are all of you doing okay? I know you had to go through some unpleasant experiences due to us and I sincerely apologise for it."

"No, No Mata. Please don't apologise. Whatever happened was neither your fault nor your mother's. It's yours and Mahadev's divine play" Devguru Brihaspati said. Just then Nandi came out.

"Mata, Prabhu is waiting to see you"

Parvati nodded and was about to go inside when she remembered what she had said about not seeing each other. So she stretched her dupatta in front of her and hid her face as she went in.

Shiva was waiting for her inside. He knew the current situation had affected Parvati so he was waiting to meet her. Suddenly he heard the twinkling of anklets and he saw a silhouette entering the room. She was wearing a beautiful bridal outfit but her face was hidden.

"Uma? Why have you covered your face? Won't you look at me.?

Parvati chuckled behind her dupatta and said, "I don't want us to see each other before our wedding. We will see each other in our wedding attires at the mandap itself."

Then she paused for a while and then said, "But that's if our wedding actually happens!"

"What do you mean, Uma?"

"Don't act so innocent. I know you are not so naive. You know that my mother got scared by your appearance and now she is not consenting to our marriage. Was it really necessary to come in your Aghori form even today?"

Now Shiva moved forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"But my dear, there is a reason."

"I very well know that. Devi Lakshmi told me what happened. But you were present there, why didn't you do anything? Rishi Durvasa is your form. You could have stopped him but you didn't and now there is a big dilemma if our wedding will even happen. There is only one way that my mother would agree.. "

"What is it?" Shiva asked. Parvati turned towards him, still covering herself. Shiva tried to get a glance of her face but she turned away. She smirked at his behavior and then continued.

"My mother would only agree if you change your appearance. You have to leave this Vairagi form and assume your true self who is the definition of beauty and grace."

Shiva came and stood beside her.

"But Priye, this is who I am. You know looks don't matter to me. It is just the outer appearance. What matters is one's inner self because outside beauty can wane away but inner beauty will always sustain itself. You have loved me like this since forever. Then why do you want me change?"

Parvati smiled.

"Shiv, I love you in every form of yours and would always do but my mother is humane. She doesn't get such deep philosophies nor can she understand your plays. She is my mother and all she wants is for me to be happy. She thinks a handsome groom is suitable for me because she loves me and wants the best for me. She doesn't know you very well and that is why your first appearance like this has caused doubts in her heart. You have to express yourself completely in front of her. Then only she can see who 'Shiva' is."

Shiva stayed silent for a while and then said, "I can understand what you are saying, Uma but how can I transform myself? I don't know anything about it."

"Leave that on me, Sakha!"

The voice made both of them turn around and saw Vishnu standing behind them with a charming smile on his face. The three greeted one another.

"I'm really sorry to barge in on your private moment like this but I think this was necessary" Vishnu said and then he looked at Parvati.

"Behna! Oh my.. You are looking beautiful! Isn't it Sakha?"

Vishnu looked at Shiva for answer but he just side eyed him. Then he laughed as he realised it.

"You haven't seen her yet, have you?"

Parvati chuckled as well and shook her head.

"Well then, you're in for a sight. But I've currently come to help you out. You don't have to worry, sister. I know my friend isn't very keen to dress up so I will groom him myself. I will make him look more handsome than all of my avatars combined. He will be known as Sundereshwar or Chandrashekhar and you as his Shakti will be Chandraghanta. You two will be the most beautiful, even giving complex to me."

Parvati smiled, "Thank you so much, Bhrata. You are a life saver. Or I should say wedding saver. I will be indebted to you."

Vishnu smiled and caressed her head.

"It was my duty, sister. Now you go and wait while I get your husband ready."

Parvati nodded and went out but before going, she glanced back for a second and Shiva caught a glimpse of her eyes but then she left. Shiva sighed.

"Come on, Sakha. Let's get you ready for your wedding."

Saying so, Vishnu took Shiva away.

Shiv Shakti - The Mountains Bound Us! (Haimavati)Where stories live. Discover now