The Meeting

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The day soon arrived when Parvati was supposed to visit Shiva. She had been waiting for the day since she was told. Her friends too noticed this in her and teased her.

"Jaya, don't you think Parvati isn't even noticing us nowadays" said Vijaya, cheekily.

"You're right, Vijaya but how can she? She only has only one thought in her mind. Mahadev!" Jaya said and they both started laughing. Parvati was quietly listening and rolled her eyes.

"Jaya, Vijaya, don't you two have any other work?" Parvati said with a sigh.

"No!" the two of them exclaimed together.

"Then go and find some and stop irritating me!"

Hearing Parvati's words, they started laughing even harder and they ran out of her room. Parvati sighed again and went back to preparing for the journey.

Soon, Himavan took Parvati and along with few palace staffs, left for Shiva's residing place. The Gods were eagerly waiting for the moment when Shiva and Parvati would meet. They hoped that they'd recognize each other immediately and would get together so their days of misery can end. But not every time what we think happens, does it?

Tarakasura too had gotten the news of Shiva coming out of his samadhi which meant that Shakti had taken birth again. Although he worshipped Shiva, he could never let their union happen so he had sent his army all over the world to search where Shakti had been born. But destiny plays by its own will as Himavan and his entourage marched towards the north of the Himalayan mountains where Shiva had taken temporary residence.

The royal chariot travelled through the icy mountains untill it reached near the range where Shiva was in. Himavan got down and asked the guards to stay behind as he and Parvati moved forward by foot. Parvati was admiring the surrounding and saw lots of flowering trees nearby.

"Father, you go forward. I want to collect some flowers. I will join you in a while" Parvati said.

"Alright Parvati. But come soon and don't go far."

Parvati nodded and went away. Himavan kept walking untill he reached the entrance of a large cave. He was looking around when Nandi saw him and approached him.

"Gentleman, who are you? What are you doing here?" Nandi asked.

"Pranam Nandiji. I'm Himavan. The King of the Himalayas. I wish to meet Lord Shiva. My daughter too wants meet him. Kindly give us the permission" Himavan said with folded hands. Nandi returned the gesture.

"Pranam Maharaj Himavan. Forgive me for not recognizing you but I'm sorry. Mahadev is currently meditating. It is not a good time to meet him.

" Please! Can you kindly go and ask him. We came with lots of hope" Himavan pleaded. Nandi stayed silent for a while and then spoke.

"Alright King but let me ask for his permission first."

Himavan agreed. As Nandi was about to leave, Parvati reached the location.

"I'm back, father. I've got the flowers" Parvati said cheerfully.

Nandi stared at her in awe. He could not believe his eyes as to what he was seeing. Standing in front of him was an exact mirror of his mother, Sati. Those same kind eyes that she used to look at him and the ganas so affectionately. He was dumbfounded. Parvati turned to look at him and to her, Nandi seemed familiar as well. At that moment, Nandi knew why his Lord wanted to stay there. His mother Sati was back.

"Nandiji, this is my daughter Parvati" Himavan introduced her and Parvati smiled. Nandi started to tear up and kneeled down with joined hands.

"Mata! You're back. We have been waiting for you for so long. Mahadev has spent every single moment in your memory and you're finally back" Nandi cried. Parvati was taken aback. For some reason, everyone was referring to her like that. First Devarshi Narad and then Nandi.

"Nandiji, please get up. What are you doing?" Parvati said, surprised. Nandi realized that Parvati did not yet know who she was. So he wiped his tears and smiled.

"Nothing, Mata. Kindly wait here for a while. I will get Mahadev's permission" Nandi said and rushed inside. He saw him meditating quietly. With hesitation he called out softly.


Shiva slowly opened his eyes.

"What's the matter, Nandi?"

"Prabhu, The King of the Himalayas is here to meet you. He is asking for your permission."

"Nandi, bring him in with respect. We have been staying in his kingdom for a long time. He is our host. I should greet him" Shiva said. Nandi nodded and went outside.

Outside the cave, Himavan and Parvati were waiting patiently. Soon, Nandi came out and informed them.

"Please come in. Mahadev is waiting for you. Come with me."

Parvati was delighted to know it and followed her father inside along with Nandi. With her every step, the breeze started to blow and nature seemed to have become excited. Shiva and Shakti were finally about to meet again.

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