Dejected Heart

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Parvati didn't return to visit Shiva the next day. When Jaya and Vijaya had went to call her with her things prepared, she refused.

"No. I don't want to go."

They were surprised. Parvati was refusing to meet Shiva. That was something new.

"Why sakhi? What happened?" asked Jaya.

"I just.. I just don't want to okay. Please leave me alone!" Parvati said. Jaya and Vijaya were confused but left her room. They had never seen Parvati like this.

The next day, it was the same thing. She didn't even go to worship her Shivalinga where she would stay most of the time. Her friends were getting worried as she would stay in her locked chamber all day.

That day, Parvati was in her room and was going through some of the old scriptural materials that she used to study when she was young. She was trying to calm herself down but her heart was running wild. She was staring outside, distractedly when she heard someone call her name.


She immediately recognised the voice and cheered up. She turned around with a big smile.


It was her sister, Ganga. She ran to her and the two sisters hugged each other tightly.

"Parvati! Oh my! You've grown up so much" Ganga said, adoring her.

"Of course I have, Didi. Do you have any idea after how long you've come here. I thought you have forgotten me."

"How can I forget you, Bon? You are my sweet little Parvati. My best friend."

"Then why didn't you come here before?" Parvati said and pouted. Ganga caressed her cheek.

"I really wanted to, Bon but my duty to the Gods restricted me. That is why I had to leave in the first place."

"Then how come you came here today?" asked Parvati.

Ganga stopped in her words. She remembered why she was there. After she had gone to Earth, Vishnu had called her.

"Your sister, Parvati who happens to be my little sister as well is upset because my Gangadhar friend isn't noticing her or giving her attention even though she had been visiting him for so long. I know for Shiva it's not the case but he will not show it. He is stubborn like that and so she has stopped going to him. You have to go and make her understand to start visiting him again. This is the only path to Shiva and Shakti's reunion. "

Those were Vishnu's exact words which she had agreed to and has come to meet her sister but she couldn't say that to her.

"I just wanted to meet my sister. That's it. I hope you've heard what happened."

"Yes Didi and I'm so proud of you!" Parvati beamed and then shrunk down once more as she remembered the incident. Ganga saw the opportunity and said to Parvati.

"I've heard that you've been going to meet Mahadev for quite a while now. How is your experience?"

"It is alright" she said with a gloomy face. Ganga turned to face her.

"Then why are you not going to him anymore?" Ganga asked, raising her eyebrows. Parvati turned away. She didn't want to answer it but didn't want to disappoint her sister as well.

"I was just... busy" she tried to answer with conviction but Ganga was definitely was not buying that.

"Well to me, it sounds more like you're angry with him."

"Angry?" Parvati scoffed. "Didi, we get angry on people who care about us. Think about us. He doesn't even look at me. I don't know what happens sometimes and he acts all kind and then the very next moment, he starts to ignore me. If he has nothing to do with me, then why would I be angry with him? "

Ganga chuckled softly.

"But I knew something different. From the moment I've joined Mahadev, I've started to understand his feelings as well and I can guarantee you that he cares about you a lot. Forgot the time when he treated you when you got hurt? I can tell you Parvati that you not going there is bothering him. He waited for you yesterday and today but when you didn't go, he was disappointed. Both him and Nandi. How can you forget about him? He sees you like his mother. Go back, Parvati. Fulfill your duty."

Parvati still looked away. Ganga sighed.

"Is it because of my history with him? "

Now Parvati had to turn around.

"No Didi. I didn't mean anything like that..."

"It's alright, Parvati" she assured her. "I did have feelings for him earlier and when I had confessed, he had ignored me and I was hurt but eventually I have realised that my duty is everything. All those feelings of young heart is gone now. Now that I have joined him, it is purely as his devotee. But Parvati, you are meant for him and he knows it too. He cares about you. Don't let go of your chance, Bon. It is the greatest luck to attain Shiva and you have the potential. Don't let silly feelings deter that. Fight for your love. "

Parvati listened to her quietly. Her sister was right. She was acting childishly.

"Yes Didi. You're right. I don't know why I start acting so unreasonable sometimes. I'm crazy!"

"Yes that's what love makes you do. Especially if it's as pure as yours."

Parvati smiled and hugged her sister.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Didi."

"I'm always here for you, Bon."

Parvati wiped the single tear that had fallen down her face.

"Did you meet Pitashree and Ma?" Parvati asked.

"I met them before coming here."

"Very well but you have to stay here for a few days now."

Ganga smiled and nodded. The two sisters went outside. Parvati was in a much better mood now and Ganga had accomplished her job.

PS : 'Bon' means younger sister in Bengali.

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