Part 19; nearly done

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Pearl pov;

While sitting in my base kinda annoyed but amused bue to that fact Grian had gotten everyone with just a simple thing, but in everyone's defense! That bird can do alot in one minute or so, No one really knew he had lied, till Mumbo had said it in chat that Grian wanted everyone to react like how we did and that Scar was in on it too, but over all G did do everyone good in that moment


A few weeks had passed and no one really had shaken of the fact that the rift was closing, and no one could go to it as G had closed it off and only he and Scar can go in... If they had done redstone and it worked then, things may fail to be Grian proof, but that doesn't matter right now.

I had swooped bye the rifts opening to see Scar and Grian stood in there, looking to wards the rift, as I watched them Grian headed over to Grumbot to give him a note, then I heard my name from behind me,

"Aaa, jeez mate"
"It's fine Gem... What do ya need?"
"Jist wondering what you were doing!"
"Oh! Just spying of Scar and G"
"Ok, also can I have some assistance? I'm sorting out some of my storage and I need to do it quickly as me and False we're heading of go to the charity event area for a bit"
"Yeah that's fine I can help!"
"No problem"


Fwip pov;

As I looked out over the Empires area I could see that everyone was doing their normal stupid things and were having fun, in the moment I felt distanced from them as I was worried about the rift... I didn't want to be stuck here, I wanted to go home. As thoughts built up I hadn't realised that Pix had came to my side and was comforting me...

Once I came back to reality, it came to me, I had started to cry due to the fact that I was home sick and now despite to get back... No words were spoken, just me and Pix looking over the others. I had moved my head by now to be on Pix's sholder, I felt him hold me closer to him, I did feel safe as I had a friend by my side, after about 10 minutes of being like this, my eyelids had started to shut, I felt my body get heavier and I'm guessing Pix did as well as he had now moved us to my bed and he just let me curl up to him as I slowly fell asleep.

The silence was nice no words needed to be said, no need to make any noise, the peace and quiet was all that was needed right now.


I had woken up to chaotic screaming outside of my house, once I had opened my eyes I realised Pix had stayed with me for the entire time I was asleep, I had made myself present, well known that I was awake but slightly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I looked back at Pix who just gave me a small but comforting smile, and I had returned one to him. Still no words spoken we both got up out of my bed and back to the window (even if I was still dased)

I could see that Joel had got Jim's sheriff hat and wasn't giving it back and Sausagewas teasing Tim at the same time. Scott and Katherine were talking not taking any acknowledgement to the Chaose around them Oli had lost his instrument and was curled up in a corner with Shubble trying to convince him to get up and look for it and lastly Joey was trying to get into Joel's house, probably to get gold or somethin' valuable.

"Guess this means that ether you or me have to resolve this..."
"Just keep an eye on Joey, the others are fine right now"
"If you say so..."

As we watched the chaose continue, I slouched down on the window sill and let thoughts of the rift take over... all the what ifs flooded my head, I was panicked about it as well had our own empires to deal with and we're not able to get on with them before we ultimately end it all. I was brought back to reality when I felt Pix's hand on my shoulder. Then, taking my gaze over to him, I smiled to show that I was ok and it was just thoughts.

"Fwip, are you OK?"
"Are you sure, nothing on your mind?"
"Other than wanting to go home"

I took my gaze back to the others watching the Chaose continue, I felt Pix grab me and pull me into a hug and all I did was sink into the hug and gave one back.

"We can go to Grian and talk to him at some point"

And then the hug was released, we both decided to head off to the others and try and sort things out.

"Joey, don't bother you won't be able to get in"

I said as I saw him sneaking to my house door

"H-how did you know I was here!?"
"You'll be surprised..."

Pix went over to Joel and Tim as I went to Shubble and Oli

"What's going on?"
"Oli lost his instrument and he's refusing to look for it even though I've been telling him that it won't just appear and that you've got to look for it"
"Oli come on up you get, we're looking for it and for all we know Joey might have got it in his base, and he will dinie it but I can give a reason to do so"

I gave Oli a smile, and he just looked at me and bock into his hands and knees. (He had his knees up to his chest)

"I guess you don't want it then..."

I signaled to Shubble to leave him alone for the time being or untill he's read it get up and loom for it.

"Yes Oli?"
"Can you help me a new one?"
"The old one got burnt as someone threw it into fire..."
"Right OK, we'll ask Sausage to help out, ok?"


As I sat down into my bed I felt Slightly at ease but the worry of the rift was still there... And how embarrassing it must of felt for Pix when I fell a sleep on him...


1089 words

Please don't think Pix and Fwip are being shipped I just think of them as friends who help each other out and understands the others feeling, and somehow as they don't care what's said (if this makes no sense to you then... Welcome to my mind)

It's deffo not 10:33 when this was published

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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