part 10; Forgiveness?

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Jimmy pov:

I was sat in my Empire ignoring all the notifications from Scott and everyone on the survur.

'Ugh... Why did I that..? Oh right... a threat...'


Scott yelled out at the boor of my house...

"...Why now..?"

I went to the door and took a deep breath, opened it and was given a hug followed by a slap...

"Why have you been ignoring me and everyone for over a week!?"
"Sorry... Just haven't been in the best state of mind... S-since what I did to... To...G-Grian..."
"Oh Jimmy..."

Then Scott gave me a small kiss on the cheek before he spoke back up again,

"I think he'll understand so don't worry"
"You sure..?"

We stood there for awhile in silence, but all I wanted to do was not do much as things were horrible, I'm trying to be a respectful sheriff but nearly everyone doesn't and just treats me like a toy... What was I ganna do to gain respect? Why...

...Why do I exist?

Tears stated to fall and Scott whipped them away and took me to the setting.

"Calm down love..."

But I couldn't... So much had happened and it's all because of him... If he didn't threatened me then I wouldn't be in this situation...

"Why do you over think stuff?"
"Come here"

I rested myself on Scott and he held onto me and didn't let me go even when I wanted to get food or get a drink.

"S-Scott... Can I please get up?"
"I need to go..."

He let go off me and yeah... But I didn't I went to my bedroom and got changed into my Sheriff outfit and headed back to Scott who seemed peeved...

"You! You made up the fact you needed to go so you can got to our bedroom..."
"Umm yes... I thought that was established three months ago?"
"Oh yeah..."
"You've been cooped up in here for that long you've forgotten most of our conversations?"
"...I guess?"

I suggest we go and talk to the others and see who'll be peeved off with me... And apologies to Grian for what I did, god this was ganna be fun...

After a but of a walk Scott stopped

"Can I see your wings?"
"Your Listener's..? Don't you have one set of wings?"
"No... I was given my listener wings due to the fact that I already have wings"
"How does that work?"
"Well the Listener's wings aren't actually connected to the body and the listener wings fade away when not needed"
"But yeah!"

I relaxed my body slightly and allowed them to show.

"Woah... Their huge..."
"Yeah hens why their recognisable"
"Ok, let's keep going!"
"Let's go"

We continued our walk, along the way I told Scott how I felt when it came to the others, in the way they've been treating me and that I didn't and mind it at first but I actually do want to be respected and all that. We met the others (from Empires) and I didn't expect the reaction I got...

"Thank god your okay..."
"Hay bud"
"Why have you've been ignoring us?"

I was confused they don't usually act like this and it was a bit overwhelming due to the fact that I'm not used to this kind of treatment or attention from alot of people at once... I started to slowly walk away from them and felt like I was going to cry...

"Jim... Breath"

I did but my throat felt tight

"Come on you need to sit down"
"What's wrong with him?"
"Just a bit overwhelmed"

I focused on my breathing and not what was being said and if anything if they was to be talking to me it was all muffled.

After awhile I could hear them better and I didn't dare to say a word but rather listen to their conversation.

I eventually got board of listening and want to find Grian so I stood up and interrupted them

"Hay guys where's Grian at?"
"Oh Jimmy! Ummm try Hermitopia"
"That's the name of their empire?"
"When was that established??"
"Four or so days ago"
"...I need to get back into reality..."
"Yeah now come on"

Me, Scott and Pix (as his empires not far from the hermits) said bye to the others and headed to Hermitopia


"Bye Pix!!"
"See ya Pix"
"Bye boys"

Me and Scott saw- Xisuma...??? Well X and asked were Grian was and he took us to him and there were a few other hermits with him to.

"Grian come here"
"Coming X-I-zooma"
"Well Jimmy, just talk to him"
"You called? Oh! Hi Scott, Jimmy"

I asked if X and Scott wouldn't mind letting me talk to Grian alone and they went to the other hermits.

"What's wrong Jim?"
"Well... I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you... and I'm sorry for killing you..."
"Your the Listener..?"
"Well one I forgive you, two why did you do it?"
"Pressured by the head Listener..."
"Oh... Well come here"

He gave me a hug and I gave him one back and once we broke the hug I had a faint smile on my face and Grian did as well.

I said bye and waved to the other hermits behind and Scott dis the same and we headed back to his empire as we don't know who's Empire were staying in still.

Grian pov:

As I watched Jimmy and Scott leave questions started flooding into my head as I was getting lost by them, Scar pulled my put of it.

"Your not mad are you?"
"I'm not sure how to feel"
"Right, well come on"

Scar held my hand as we went to the others as we did I had one question for my lover,

"For our wedding, how are we going to celebrate it?"
"Ummm I don't know really... We can talk about it late tonight so then we have the piece and quiet to argue"
"Yes now come on"

We stood with the other and the others were on about expanding Hermitopia and its not like I cam actually do much as I need everyone else to be finished before I can do my part... After awhile boardem took over and I really wanted to annoy someone but the hermits were all here and if I left they'd know I was up to something.

I must have gotten trapped with in my own world or something as Wels called out me name.

"G are you good there mate?"
"Huh? Oh yeah sorry!"

The others just laughed and got back to talking about what ever they were talking about.

An hour had passed and we all decided to head to bed. Obviously me and Scar talked about our wedding as we had decided to talk about it once everyone was in bed.


1154 words

My lord... You'll never know what the wedding plans are >:)

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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