part 5; Close call

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Scar pov:

As I settled down next to Grian and just aloud sleep to take over... To much had happened today, I'll do what's needs to be done tomorrow...


As I got up, Grian was still asleep, though he seemed to be uncomfortable. As I looked over at his wings the thing I saw last night had grew ever so slightly. To but it into context, say you've an infection and you keep an eye on it 24/7 you wouldn't notice the change until its too late, that's how much it grew.

I placed Grian so that he was laying on me and had my hands on his back close to his hips. I gave him a small kiss on the head and waited till he woke up...

Let's hope it's not ganna make the others question it... Too much...


Me, Grian, Sausage and Lizzie were looking around a cave. Finding anything we could and hopefully lend up into a lush cave. As I wanted to do some terriforming (I-is it miss spelt?) For were the Hermit base is located, and also to know some of the Empires members.

Three birds with one stone. I can keep an eye on Grian and make sure his able to do things, get stuff for an up coming project and then getting know new people.

"Scar... Your nodding to yourself"
"Hum? Oh... You know I do it when I think and I like the idea I had..."
"Thinking is a bad thing..."
"How so?"
"Let's see... My traps in 3rd life, Last life all my dogs, and Double life, my unplanned perfectly timed kill..."
"I was messing I'm full aware of what ypur capable of doing when you think, but that's you"
"Wow, acting like an old married couple..."

Me and Grian glanced, he didn't like the fact I had an ever so cheeky grin on my face.

As we left, we went by the rift.

And like Grian said it was closed...

As I looked over at Grian he seemed to have some sort of panic attack all I could do was get him away from here and calm him down. I explained the best u could to Sausage and Lizzie. And we went our separate ways.

As we got back I sat Grian down, got him some water and headed of to find X, I need his help.


Dadsuma pov:

As I had gotten back from Fwip's empire, I saw Scar looking for someone in a slight panic.

"Hay Scar everything alright?"
"Oh X, umm not quite, Grians having a panic attack and I need your help."
"Let's go."

Without much we went straight to Grian.

As we got there... He was a complete mess some of the others were there, and I asked everyone to give Grian some space and they did as they were asked.

"Grian, speak to me is everything alright?"

He was mumbaling off to himself... I looked over at Scar and he looked concerned about something else... I stood up slightly to look were he was and I saw it... On Grian's wings was a midnight purple colour and magenta eyes... It was fairly big...

"Sugar... Grian listen to my voice, if you can hear me nod"

I looked at Grian waiting for a nod, and he did he seemed to calm down abit. By now all the hermits were here and now the Empires members, though they were confused...

"What I want you to do know is focus on my voice not theirs... They're only trying to make you one of them... Keep talking deep breaths and just relax, your safe you've got friends and a boyfriend who needs you"

After sometime I could tell they had him rapped up in this negative thoughts, their making so it's easier to make him a watcher... I couldn't keep talking to him... I had to do something... I'm not really sure on how to cause Watchers to back off from one's mind I looked at Fwip.

"Get everyone out of here... And please come back"

As Fwip got everyone out and came back I explained the situation...

"Right... Ummm I've got a listener and I don't know much about them..."
"I do"
"Well how about I deal with Grian for ya and show you what to do?"
"Yeah, I can do the same with your listener"
"Alright let's do this."

As Fwip asked me to get the things needed, he helped Grian and told me what to do. This was ganna help if anything happens again, and when we find the listener I can show him and yeah... A win win.

After about 4 minutes Fwip and finished.

"He just needs rest and that's all... Though I'm confused..."
"How so?"
"Well he's already a watcher, and I'm guessing the rift has something to do with it."
"Though there's one thing... He hasn't been going for the coding..."
"He's a run away watcher, he has got everything of a watcher but refuses to use them in the intended way"
"Right... what if its the same with your listener?"

I got Scar to take Grian to bed and got everyone else in and sent them to bed... If they wanted food they should have some in there inventory, then and said bye to Fwip and he made sure his lot, yes I'm referring to the other Empires members as his lot... But yeah, when I turned around Doc was behind me, scaring half to death...

"God, Doc... What is it?"
"What was that all about? When ypu had everyone else leave but asked Fwip to come back..."
"Something that us administrators can do... Before you kick off, it's easier to do what had to be done with less people knowing the situation..."
"Alright... If needs be I'll help when you need it mate... I know that like nearly the entire survur of Hermitcraft sees you as a dad, but don't let that get over you... If you need to talk I'm here"

As he said that he headed to bed... But his not wrong... Well I need some sleep... Too much had happened today... Too much...


1032 words

Soo whos ganna be the listener? But needles do I say

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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