part 1; The rift

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A Wither_Jinx ogriginal story (you'll know if you find speeling mistakes)
||the multiverse||
HC S9/Emp s2 (Slightly changed)
{Also don't ship them IRL}

Pixel pov:

"Ummm Hi..?"

As small avian came out of the rift 'he must be what me and Fwip heard last week' I thought to myself, He turned to see if anyone else is coming and more people came through...

"Grian... were are we?"
"How am I suppose to know!"

Before anything could get serious I spoke up.

"Your on the Empires Smp"

Then one of spoke up.

"Thanks for the information, I'm-"
"X-I-zooma void"
"That's what they call me... Its Xisuma but I go by X or suma"
"Ummm o-ok?"
"There's another!"

All of these people looked at the small avian I'm guessing he's Grian from one of the others. But all but Suma had I an explanation between of surprised, realisation and happy..? Then Xisuma seem confused but concerned at the same time... 'how many nicknames does this guy have?' I said to myself then the avian spoke

"Well I mean we don't use it all the time only when X-eye-ZOOma acts like a dad."
"Gri no."
"Just no."

Me and the other Empire members were confused but Gem and False seemed to be hiding something... But I srugged it of and didnt want to bringattentionto it then Fwip took a step forward.

"Soo we have your name, Xisuma..? What about the rest?"
"Oh ummm who wan-"
"Love... You can go first because your the reason why we'er here"
"Well... In my defence H0tGuY, I gave the option of you all coming through and Xb, Mumbo, Hypno, Beef, Zed, Etho and Iskall didn't come but all of you did sooo, am I to blame?"
"Yes and no"
"What's that ment to mean?"
"Just introduce yourself"
"Fine... I'm Grian"
"The whole reason why we'er here"
"Again you had a choice...Not my completebfault"

After some bickering between them they finally carried on telling us their names with out bickering.

"Anywho... I'm Scar"

And they eventually go through all their names and we introduce ourselves. And X informed us that we can refer to them as the hermits if we talk about them as a group wich is easier then listing there names...


I suggested that they could stay for a bit and that we could show them around. Though it felt like we were all being watched, not just us who've been feeling it but the hermits seemed to fell it as well.

"Thanks, we'll try and not cause to much commotion"
"Its fine, these alot nearly started a war... and yeah don't worry to much..."


The hermits took the land just beside the bridge by my empire and often came to one of use to get something or just to chat nothing seemed out of the ordinary miner the fact that the hermits are on and there's more of us.


"Hay, Pix?"
"Hum? Oh Hay Jimmy!"
"What you up to?"
"See how to allow the hermits and us to go between our worlds, since they've entered our world just mady we could go to theres"
"Ok, I need some advice..."
"Ok! What is it?"

I stopped what I was doing to listen to my friend and help him out.

"Well ummm I want to..."
"Don't force yourself to say it, ok?"
"Yeah... Well I want to propose to Scott..."

Jimmy's face went red he looked down to his hands and it seemed that he had it on his mind for so long that I comforted him and made sure that he knew that I was always here for him. We sat down to talk instead of standing.

"Well... one there's no need to be embarrassed, two do you want me to help you set up for it?"
"Ok, do you have an any where you would like to go or..."
"N-no i have somewhere, I just... Ugh emotions..."

He threw his arms in the air and laid down annoyed.

"Well let's go and no need for frustration"
"You know your acting like a dad right?"
"Heh, well mate your my friend and I look out for all of you so I might well act like a dad at times"

A small smile crept onto Jimmy's face as I said that I suggest that he leads the way and he did we came to this small open area.

He had an idea for what he'll do but not sure how to set it out, but we did it eventually we finished and it looked good, and Jimmy was just so happy and with that he nearly ran off to get Scott.

"Oh wait! Thanks Pix!"

As Jimmy said running into me, gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

"Don't rush Ok? Because if your too quick there's a chance he's not ready, but if both of you've been planning or thinking of getting engaged or married then go ahead but don't rush, and it not like this would go in a blink of an eye, Got that?"

I gave him a the lecture as I did, I broke the hug and put my hands on his shoulders and making sure that I was looking out for him. Since he is my friend I don't want him to rush and things go down hill.

"Ok, I will and we have been talking about it for the past 2 months so... I think I'm ready, so I'll do it next week!"
"Ok, just know I'm doing this because your my friend and I care."
"I know and your amazing because you do."

Jimmy flew of to see Scott, those words were on repeat though... 'your amazing because you do.' I've helped them for god knows how long and hearing their opinions is nice... I shook my head as I got a message, from Fwip.


Fwip:     12:45
-Hay do you think you could come to my empire for a moment?

12:46        Pix:
Sure what for?-

Fwip:       12:48

-I'll tell ya when you get here.

12:49    Pix:
Ok, on my way!-

As I arrived to Fwips Empires I was tackled and it went dark for 90 seconds madey less... But when I could see it was a small alcove and Fwip was opposite to me with a very proud, smug smile

"What is it then?"
"Just wanted to hang out!"
"Mhm... Untie me please, and next time don't takle me to the ground and yeah..."
"Well sorry, I just wanted to have an amazing way to bring you here!"
"By... Kidnapping me?"
"Ummm... Let's just talk"


1125 words.


Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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