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 Frigga and Loki sat in the library, where Frigga stood behind her young son. 

The boy had a small ball of light and energy in his hands, attempting to focus on it. Frigga tilted her head, putting her soft hand under his chin. "Chin up." she spoke. Her voice was soft and comforting, like a lullaby. Loki did as he was told, but his eyes never left his light. Frigga smiled. "You've got it, my son. Now I want you to focus on making in bigger." She told the raven haired boy. Loki nodded slightly, as if speaking would disturb the spell.

It grew bigger, and bigger, until, "My Queen!"

The guard burst in the library so fast, the small ball of light faded quickly.   

Loki looked at his hands, disappointed, and let out a loud groan. Frigga turned her attention to the guard. "My Queen, I bring news from the kingdom of Vanaheim." The guard puffed, out of breath. Loki looked up at the two adults standing in front of him. "Vanaheim? That's the kingdom we are at war at, is that right, mother?" The little prince asked. 

Frigga nodded. "That is right, well done." she told him. Loki beamed. 

"What news have you brought me? Has the Allfather returned?" The Queen asked. 

"The Allfather has yet to return, my Queen. I was told to bring this to you at once, however." The guard handed her a scroll. 

Frigga smiled at him, taking it. "Thank you." She replied. 

"Will that be all, Allmother?"

"Yes, you are dismissed." 

The guard bowed his head, and walked away. Loki looked after the guard before turning to look at his mother, who was now reading the scroll. 

"What does it say, mother?" The young prince questioned. Frigga looked down at him. "It is," She paused for a moment. "Nothing, Loki. Don't fret about it." she said. Then Frigga held out her hand for him to take. "Come. Why don't we keep practicing, would you like that?" She asked. Loki grinned and nodded, taking his mothers hand. 



The raven haired prince looked up from the window, and towards the door to his chambers as it swung open, reviling his brother. Thor looked to be excited about something, though of what, he was not sure. 

"Father has returned! I think he won the battle!" 

Loki smiled widely as he bounded off with his brother, excited to see his father again. The Allfather had been gone for three days time, earlier than expected. 

But he failed. 

The battle was lost, for the realm of Vanaheim have an advantage. 

Their beasts. The dreki burn things to the ground, but that is not all. Fire is not all they breath.

The Ormr in Vanaheim are much like dragons in other fantasies on Midgard, for Loki has read into these creatures deeply.  

And Odin had not yet found the secrets to kill these great beasts. 

Loki and Thor found their mother waiting but the golden doors to the castle. Loki's eyes wandered to the wounded soldiers and warriors. There were a lot less than before. Frigga covered her two son's eyes as healers carried a dead body. They didn't even cover it up. 

Bits of blood stained the rainbow bridge. 

Finally, Odin ran up to his family, engulfing them in his large arms. Thor attempted to hug back with just as much force, as did Loki. Frigga laughed as Odin finally set his sons down, and went over to kiss his wife. 

"Did you win father? I bet you killed an Ormr!" Thor beamed at his father, Loki sharing the same expression. Odin looked down at his sons and smiled. he ruffled Thor's hair, and Frigga got the message he did not want to tell his own sons he had lost yet another battle. 

Frigga smiled at her sons. "Come, your father needs his rest. I'm certain he will tell you of his battle once he has recovered." She announced to the boys. 

She kissed her husband of the cheek as she took them away from the scent of blood and sweat. 

"Is father going to be alright, mother?" Loki asked. Frigga nodded. "Of course he is. Don't worry about him, my dear." She answered. "I can't wait to fight beside him! Will you fight with me, Loki?" Thor grinned at his brother. Loki grinned back. "I would be honored to fight with you, brother!" 


The night was cold, and Loki could hear mysterious creatures in the inky darkness. He wanted his mother, even though he told himself to be strong. 

The raven haired prince walked out into the dark hall, trying to let his eyes adjust, even though it didn't do much good. He closed his eyes, and focused on the day, the morning sky. "lys." He whispered. Suddenly, he felt warmer, and opened his eyes to see his hands had created the small ball of light and energy. He grinned. He could not wait to show this to his mother. 

Loki walked through the dark halls of asgard, his bare feet hitting the hard ground every step he took with a light tap. He stopped, looking right ahead at the light from fire in the throne room, but people argued inside it. He recognized one to be the voice of his mother. Loki walked closer, and with each step he took, the more clear the voices were.

"You kept this from me!"

"If I told you, you would have used it for war!" 

"A war that we need to win!"

Loki was frightened at the sound of his father shouting. 

"I forbid you from bringing any harm to those children!" 

Children? Was she talking about Loki and his brother? 


No, it was someone else. 

Loki transformed into a beetle, and crawled under the large doors, where his parents still fought.

There, at his father's feet, was the scroll. Loki crawled over, and rolled it back under the door with his beetle feet. 

When Loki was outside the room, and into the hall, he ran as quietly as he could back to his room. 

He creaked the door shut, trying to not make it obvious he had left. Loki rushed to the large bed, unrolling the scroll and reading it. 

His eyes went wide.

The King and Queen of Vanaheim have given birth to twins. 

Not only that, they had already given birth to a son about Thor's age. 

What was his father planning to do with those twins?  

Sigyn, Goddess Of VictoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя