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 The sun was shining brightly, warming the young girl's face as she stepped outside to play. She ran around the courtyard, chasing after butterflies and picking wildflowers. As she wandered further away from the castle, she stumbled upon a dense forest that she had never seen before. Despite her initial hesitation, her curiosity got the best of her and she began to explore.

As she made her way deeper into the woods, she became entranced by the sights and sounds around her. The rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds filled her ears, and the sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a beautiful dappled effect on the ground. Suddenly, she stumbled upon a clearing and felt an inexplicable urge to step inside.

Once she entered the clearing, she felt a strange energy surrounding her. The trees seemed to sway in unison, and the air was thick with an otherworldly presence. The young girl stood there, transfixed, lost in the magic of the moment. She felt as if time had stopped and she had entered another realm entirely.

"Sigrún! Hermaðr, where are you?" A soft voice called. 

Turning her head, she could see her mother standing at the edge of the woods, calling out for her to come home. With a sigh, the young girl reluctantly made her way back through the trees, her heart heavy with the knowledge that her adventure was coming to an end. 

As she emerged from the forest, her mother greeted her with a warm embrace. "Hello, my love. What wonders have you seen today?" Her mother had dark long hair, pointed ears, and was wearing a long pink dress. Sigrún smiled. "There was a large bug, Mother! It was this big!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up enthusiastically. The young girl eagerly continued to share her tales of chasing butterflies, picking wildflowers, and stumbling upon a mysterious clearing deep in the woods. 

Her mother laughed. "That sounds wonderful. Next time I wish to join you!" her mother held out her hand, and Sigrún took it. Together, the two walked back to the palace. Even though Sigrún was sad to leave the forest behind, the young girl knew that she would return again soon, ready to explore its secrets and mysteries once more. 

Sigrún sat at the grand dining table, her two mothers on either side of her, chatting amiably about the day's events. She listened with half an ear, her mind wandering back to the forest she had explored that day. She had wandered deep into the woods, marveling at the beauty of the trees and the creatures that called it home. She had stumbled upon the clearing, just like the one in her favorite fairy tales, and imagined herself as a brave adventurer, seeking out the secrets of the forest.

But now, as she sat at the table with her mothers, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the memory. She longed to return to the forest, to explore its mysteries and discover all the secrets it held.

 As she picked at her dinner, lost in thought, her mothers exchanged knowing glances. They knew their daughter's adventurous spirit all too well, and they were proud of her for it. 

"Lost in thought, my dear?" The dark haired one asked, smiling gently. 

Sigrún started, shaken out of her reverie. "Oh, yes," she said, a dreamy smile on her face. "I was just thinking about the forest. It's so magical. Don't you think?" 

The two queens nodded in understanding, and for a moment, the three of them sat in companionable silence, lost in their own thoughts. Suddenly, the doors to the dining room opened. Sigrún looked up in excitement to see her uncle. Magni smiled at her. 

The little girl ran towards her uncle as soon as she saw him, her arms outstretched in anticipation of a warm embrace. He scooped her up in his arms, spinning her around before settling her back down on the ground.

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