Sigrún and Loki

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One hundred years later

As she sprinted across the verdant woodlands and undulating knolls, the  princess was overwhelmed by an exhilarating sensation of amazement and marvel. The striking panorama surrounding her left her speechless, and she breathed in the fragrant aromas of the blossoming flora. With every stride, she experienced a newfound sense of liberation and joy that was entirely novel to her. She felt grateful for the splendor of the world and the countless opportunities that awaited her. 

Sigrún laughed, her laugh was as melodious as the birds chirping in the trees. It was contagious and brought joy to those around her. 

As Sigrún continued her exploration of the lush surroundings outside of her castle walls, she stumbled upon a patch of mushrooms and an array of bugs scurrying about.

Her eyes widened with fascination as she watched the creatures go about their business, marveling at the intricacies of their tiny bodies. She kneeled down to get a closer look, and was delighted to find that the mushrooms were just as interesting. The princess spent the better part of an hour examining each one, taking care not to disturb their delicate ecosystem. 

Sigrún continued to examine the fascinating bugs scurrying about in the patch of mushrooms, she suddenly felt a tickling sensation on her arm. Looking down, she saw a small beetle crawling up her sleeve. Instead of swiping it away like most people would, the princess gently lifted her arm and held it closer to her face to get a better look at the insect.

The beetle had a shiny, iridescent shell that shimmered in the sunlight. Its tiny legs moved quickly as it crawled up her arm, and the princess couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the intricacies of its tiny body. She tried to befriend the bug by speaking to it in a soft voice, hoping that it would understand her. 

"Hello there, little beetle. You're quite the interesting creature, aren't you?" she said, watching as the beetle continued to crawl up her arm. "I hope you're not scared of me. I just want to get to know you better." 

Sigrún continued to talk to the beetle as it crawled up to her shoulder and perched there. "I think I'll call you Adaia, after my mother. She's pretty, like you." 

Adaia. All through the past week, her mother had been telling her something. Was it something important? Perhaps her mother had not been speaking to her after all. 

Sigrún stood up abruptly, yet the beetle stayed on her shoulder. Her smile fell, and was replaced by worry. "Adaia, I have to let you down now. There's somewhere I'm meant to be." Sigrún carefully placed the beetle back on one of the mushrooms, and ran off as fast as she could back to the castle.

" Sigrún carefully placed the beetle back on one of the mushrooms, and ran off as fast as she could back to the castle

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Loki rode beside his brother on the rainbow bridge, behind his mother and father. He desperately did not want to go to the event. Alfheim had invited Asgard to the anniversary of the queens of Alfheim. While Loki was happy for their marriage, he had plans today that he did not want to miss. 

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