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The young princess anxiously waited in her chamber for her mother and father's return from battle. She had heard rumors of the fierce fighting that had taken place, and her heart was heavy with worry. She had always looked up to her father, the king, as a strong and fearless leader, but now she couldn't help but fear for his safety. 

As the hours stretched on, Gersemi grew more and more restless. She paced the room, wringing her hands and glancing out the window for any sign of her parents return. She tried to distract herself with books and food, but her mind kept drifting back to the battle, and to the image of her father standing strong against the enemy. 

It had been so long since she had seen either of them. Finally, as the sun began to set, the young girl heard the cheers and footsteps outside of her door. She rushed to the window, heart racing, and saw a procession of soldiers returning to the castle. Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for her father's familiar face, and finally she saw him, riding atop his horse, his armor glinting in the fading light. The scene was dyed red from blood, dead soldiers were carried by their friends and families. 

Gersemi ran down to the courtyard to greet her father, tears streaming down her face. Gersemi pushed threw the crowd, and meet her father, who was already hugging Freyr. Once the king let go of her older brother, She threw her arms around him, relieved and overjoyed to see him safe and sound. 

"Welcome home, Father," she whispered. "I was so worried about you." 

Iwaldi kissed her forehead, picking her up and spinning her around. Gersemi giggled and her father set her down. The king smiled down at his daughter, his eyes tired but filled with love. "I am home, my dear. And I am safe thanks to the courage of my soldiers and the grace of my wife." Gersemi looked around. Where was her mother? 

A gust of wind caused the young princess to look up. The queen rode on the back of her lindworm, the wind rushing past her face as they soared through the sky. She landed and got off. Freya stroked its neck affectionately, and felt a deep sense of pride in her mount. Suddenly, she felt a small body wrapped around her legs. Freya looked down to see Alvis, his tiny face buried in her thigh. She smiled, a tired smile, but a smile. The queen knelt down to hug the little boy back. "Hello, my son." she whispered in his hair.


The queen sat at Gersemi's bedside, delicately caressing her hair while singing a soothing lullaby. The princess was on the brink of slumber, but before she drifted off, she inquired of her mother, "What happened out there, mother? During the battle?" 

Freya paused. 

"...What did you say?"

Gersemi's question was different this time. "Mother, did you always aspire to become a queen?" Freya blinked a few times before looking at her daughter. The queen replied with a gentle smile, touched by her daughter's inquisitiveness. 

"No, my dear. When I was your age, I longed to cultivate crops. However, destiny had alternative intentions for me." Gersemi was taken aback. "Really? What happened?" The queen briefly hesitated, contemplating how much to reveal to her young daughter. "Well, I met your father, and jointly, we determined that it was fitting for me to become queen. It was a significant responsibility, but an equally momentous honor." The princess thoughtfully nodded her head, then nestled deeper into her covers. The gentle smile that the queen held faltured.

"Gersemi...did you say something before that?" 

"...No. Why?"

The smile returned, only it was forced this time. "Goodnight, Mother. I love you." The queen gently kissed her daughter's forehead. "Goodnight, my dear. Sleep well."

Freya stayed there for a moment, then left. Gersemi sat up as soon as the door closed. 

There was something her mother wasn't telling her. 

The youthful princess experienced a persistent discomfort in her chest as she observed her mother's countenance. Although the queen's expression was amiable, there was a melancholy quality to her gaze that the princess could not ignore. Despite asking a straightforward inquiry, the princess was now certain that her mother was withholding something from her. Attempting to dispel her unease, the princess nestled deeper into her bedcovers. As she drifted off to sleep, she found herself wondering about the confidential matters that her mother seemed to be keeping from her.

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