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As the king watched the battle unfold before him, his heart was filled with both fear and awe. The queen, with her majestic lindworm beneath her, soared through the air with such grace and power that it was difficult to believe that they were one and the same. Her enemies trembled at the sight of her, but she fought on without a moment's hesitation, determined to get revenge for her daughter at all costs. Iwaldi knew then that there was no force in the world that could stand against her. 

The wind rushed past his face as he beheads enemies. Everyone could hear the queen's battle cry above the roar of flames and the clash of steel. She fought fiercely, her sword glittering in the sunlight as she swung it at her enemies. The lindworm's wings beat powerfully, sending gusts of wind towards the Asgard army. From the king's vantage point, he could see the chaos and destruction wrought by his wife and her beast. It was an awe-inspiring sight. 

The king of Vanaheim was a fierce warrior who never backed down from a fight. He led his troops into battle with bravery and determination, inspiring all those around him to fight with honor and valor. The battle was intense, with both sides fighting tooth and nail for victory. The king himself was at the front lines, wielding his sword with deadly precision and striking down his enemies with ease. Iwaldi and his army fought with all their might, refusing to surrender to their foes. 

Blood was splashed on his clothing and his features. The deep red color would stain them. 

The battle between Asgard and Vanaheim was a fierce and brutal conflict that lasted for days. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a queen from Vanaheim stood out as a formidable warrior, fighting alongside her troops with incredible skill and courage. Her valor and bravery on the battlefield were unmatched, and her troops looked up to her as a beacon of hope and strength in the midst of the chaos. 

Freya landed her lindworm. She drew her sword. She would not be merciful. 

She tore through soldiers as if they were nothing.

As the battle raged on, the queen remained steadfast and focused, leading her troops with exceptional honor and bravery. She knew that the fate of her people rested on her shoulders, and she was going to fight to the bitter end, no matter how long it would take. 

Her incredible skill and unparalleled prowess in battle will undoubtedly be celebrated and revered for generations to come, as a testament to the incredible strength and determination of the people of Vanaheim.

Thoughts of her daughter drove her rage. What they did to her. What Odin did to Sigyn. 

She wanted to kill him. 

Sigyn, Goddess Of VictoryWhere stories live. Discover now