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  The red head Queen walked down the corridor with her brother. Today was full of meetings, theater she was required to attend, and villages to check in on. It was not even midday yet, and the Aelsa's feet were already tired. 

As if her brother could read her mind, he chuckled. "Perhaps we should get someone to carry you, would that be better for your poor feet?" He asked in a mocking tone. Aelsa glared at him. "I can walk just fine thank you." She hissed. "Look, were already there." The light elf pointed out, looking at the large doors. Magni looked in her direction, tilting his head. "Come, brother." Aelsa called, already walking away. 

The two siblings walked into the chambers, where all eyes went on them. The elf queen forced a smile, taking her seat. Magni walked by her side, pulling out her chair. Aelsa settled in her large chair, observing the Lords sitting across her. "Well," The Queen began. "I believe we were speaking of the war?" She finished. 

A Mage from left north stood up. "Yes, my Queen." She said. "As we all know, the war has been going on for far too long. Other realms are beginning to suffer because of the Æsir and Vanir." The Mage announced from across the room. "And the war just got worse." 

The mage lifted her staff, drawing a rune in the air with it

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The mage lifted her staff, drawing a rune in the air with it. A deep mist surrounded the room, twisting and turning until it took form. 

The mist turned into the form of a young girl, just old enough to walk. 

"The King of Vanaheim has done well to hide his heirs so far," The Mage says. "But there is a spy in the realm of Vanaheim, and because of this one spy, the first princess of the realm was taken." 

The room was quickly filled with whispers and gasps. The elf Queen's eye's widened as she and her brother exchanged looks of surprise. Aelsa stood up and cleared her throat loudly, making everyone go quiet. "How does this concern us?" She asked the Mage. "That's just it, your majesty. The war has already involved the dwarves in Svartalfheim, including them in a war they have no part in. They are siding with the Æsir, my Queen. I fear that many other realms and world will follow the example." The mage announced. 

Aelsa raised an eyebrow. "Just because three realms are joining, does not mean we must. Were did you get this idea from?" She questioned. The mage smiled shyly. "There is this saying on Midgard, called the butterfly effect, I believe. You see-" "Stop." The elf queen interrupted. "One of these days your fascination of the Midgardians is going to get you killed. I have more important things to do, so we will continue this meeting tomorrow. You are dismissed for now." She said coldly. 

The Lords and Lady's walked out, and Aelsa stopped to talk with the Mage. 

"What is your name?" The redhead Queen asked. The Mage girl perked up. "Adaia of the north, my Queen." She squeaked. The Mage had long inky black hair, her eyes as if they captured the sky. Aelsa raised her eyebrow. "Magni, do I have a mage?" She wondered. Her brother shook his head. "You do not, Al." He responded, using his nick name for her. Aelsa nodded, looking the Adaia up and down. 

"Very well. You will serve me now. Gather your belongings from the north and return to me." The elf Queen commanded. Adaia nodded, bowing deeply to her Queen before rushing off. 


Adaia returned, running as fast as she could with a large satchel at her side. The dark haired mage ran as fast as she could to the elf Queens chambers, bursting the large wooden doors open. 

Aelsa and Magni looked at her, Aelsa looking annoyed the mage had interrupted.  "My Queen, there is something you need to see!" Adaia gasped out, obviously out of breath. Adaia then gave the satchel to Magni, and the elf realized the bag was heavier then it looked.  

"What is in this, star mage?" Magni grunted. Adaia just opened her mouth, trying to find the words. The bag squirmed. 
"What is in that?!" Aelsa scolded. Magni put it down on the floor.

Everyone's eyes widened by what was inside. 

Sigyn, Goddess Of VictoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora