48 | The Yule Ball

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"You look beautiful," he said.

My smile grew bigger. "You look stunning yourself."

"Spent hours working on his hair!" Seamus teased.

I saw Cedric's eyes widen when he saw my date and I grinned at him, my expression saying, I told you he was good.

Everyone gathered into the Hall and stood at the sides of the aisle so the champions could walk through. I noticed Percy seated at the judge's table rather than Crouch and curiosity began taking over, but I swatted it away. This is a dance, not a crime scene.

The Great Hall was now covered in sparkling silver frost that was bewitched to not melt, and garlands of mistletoe and ivy across the night sky ceiling.

Trumpets from the choir sounded and the doors open wide.

My face brightened when I saw Roger, whose arm was linked with Fleur's, a proud but refined smile on his face.

Then Hermione and Krum. Her periwinkle-blue dress made her appear like she was floating from the way her skirt swayed against her legs.

"She's beautiful," I whispered. It was a word that would be used countless of times that day.

Then there was Cho and Cedric. Cedric was wearing the robes that were fixed up for him while Cho wore a white cheongsam, much like Sue's. She waved at me and I waved in return, then she mouthed, "Is that your date?" and I nodded with great excitement.

Finally, there was Parvati and Harry.

Harry looked remarkably like a deer in headlights, with his eyes wide and looking around at everyone staring at him, while Parvati grinned and waved at everyone like she was on a runway.

The champions each took their places on the dance floor, holding their partners and leading the school in a waltz.

After a bit, Professor McGonagall took Dumbledore's hand and led him onto the dance floor.

Karkaroff took the hand of a woman with cyan robes.

Neville's hand stuck out in front of me and I turned to see his smile. "Care to dance?" he asked nervously.

I took his hand. "I'd be delighted."

He led me onto the dance floor and took my hand and waist, then began waltzing across the floor.

"You're quite good at this," I said.

"He practiced for hours," Seamus butted in as he and Lavender danced beside us.

Neville's face turned red. "I didn't want to step on your feet."

I got close to his face and he turned even redder. "I think it's quite cute."

His eyes went down my face, then met my eyes again. "You look beautiful. You really do."

I smiled. "You look rather dashing as well."

"No, I mean... I don't know a word better than beautiful, but whatever that word is, you definitely are." He cleared his throat as if he were forgetting lines to a play. "I'm not as good with words as... other people."

I chuckled. "It's fine... I never needed you to be."

We stopped dancing after what was either seconds or hours for some drinks.

"I'll get them," Neville offered as I sat down.

Lisa sat next to me with an exhausted but satisfied sigh and I noticed Dean catch up with Neville, likely also getting drinks.

"Have you two snogged yet?" I asked, fiddling with a strand of my hair.

"Y/N!" She began playing with her light brown hair and shook her head. "Not yet."

A Memorable TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz