18- The Kiss For Caviar

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smoochy smooch


The feast was spectacular, five courses of gourmet platters that I'd entirely adored. When my favourite food, Baltic Squid, a rare delicacy, was put in front of me I had to remind myself I was a lady and not to scoff it down like a starved child. The royal table's company remained relatively amicable, Yoko yapped my ear off whilst she avoided Lucien's hot gaze from the knight's table across the banquet hall and on my left Matteo periodically engaged in conversation with me.

It seemed he had learned his lesson since our last interaction, because he stifled his naturally flirty personality for a bespoke gentlemanly one, one that was tailored for a formal dinner party. I hated that I missed his boisterousness, it was far more entertaining, but the occasion didn't call for such suggestive frivolity.

My only interaction with Ronan had been our plate swap, he looked like he was going to throw up the contents of his stomach at the mere sight of caviar. Something about his distress forced my hand, I couldn't sit there and watch him shovel fish eggs down his throat should he not like them. I didn't even like caviar, that had been a lie, but it didn't necessarily make me queasy.

I was just being nice.

Afterwards, Ronan made a point to ignore me, hiding behind Matteo's broad frame that wasn't nearly as bulky as his own. He spent the meal talking to Mezola and staring out his mother, Ferys had a horrendously cold stare, I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of it. But Ronan's crimson irises squashed her venomous green glare relatively easily.

"Aren't you going to dance?" Yoko sighed in exhaustion as she flopped down into her seat. We'd all moved into the ballroom and the party was officially underway. I'd long forgotten about the tension at the dinner table, everyone was merry and dancing and singing. I'd never seen the nobles in Denura act so loosely, Caecan nobles didn't care too much about their reputation in the company of other fellow nobles.

The ballroom was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Despite getting used to The Caecan Isles' grandeur after being here for quite some time, the ballroom had still shocked me. It verged on the precipice of ostentatious, but didn't quite fall off the cliff. The ceiling was blanketed in some of the most beautiful paintings I'd ever seen, naked men and women and mystical animals and crumbling shrines, mist and vines and clouds. It was breath-taking. Supporting the ceiling were thick marble columns, the same kind of marble found around the city centre but licked with swirls of rose gold. And the dance floor, wow.

It was humongous, and filled to the brim with refined dancers.

"The Caecans really know how to dance, right?" Yoko added when I didn't reply, "Won't you join them?"

"You know I won't." I tossed her a knowing smile.

"But you're such a graceful dancer." She frowned, "I haven't seen you dance in years!"

"There's a reason for that." I was too shy, getting up in front of everyone and showcasing myself. I didn't invite the spotlight.

"Yeah, yeah. I just think tonight you should... Can I help you?" Yoko trailed off; I glanced up.

Lucien, in all his blond and handsome glory, was offering her his hand with a small bow to his stature, "It would be my honour, should you take this dance with me, my lady."

Yoko glanced at me. Lucien made her nervous.

"Go." I said.

"I'll see you later." She grinned, happily taking his outstretched palm with blushing cheeks. She'd had enough alcohol to gain liquid courage, not so much that I was worried she'd do something stupid. Yoko was enjoying herself.

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