2 - The Journey Begins

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"This is insufferable." Grumbled Neera Bellevue from beside me. She looked as beautiful as ever with her hair snaking around in the air and narrowed brown eyes scanning the crowd of dancing nobles.

"Pardon?" I quipped, she'd appeared next to me like a ghost.

"All these holier than thou nobles pretending they even like you, I can't stand it." It stung a bit when said aloud, but I knew she was right.

It had been an eventful day filled with uncountable fake smiles, two panic attacks (which I dubbed a success), a handful of conversations laced with snide remarks and finally one, big party. The party was advertised as a celebration of my coronation, but I knew it was equally cloaked in a gown labelled 'Ophelia's send-off bash.'

I was to begin the long and strenuous journey to The Caecus Isles tomorrow, it was like the nobles couldn't get rid off me quick enough when deciding on an embarkment date. I was dreading the trip, but equally excited to see the sites of Morsica. Apparently it was magnificent in The Caecus Isles, wild magical beasts roamed around the capital centre and vines twisted their way up marble fortresses, their roots hidden by all the cloud and mist swirling around the ground—or so I'd heard, anyway.

We had a few complimentary guests from The Caecus Isles at my coronation, unfortunately none of them were from the royal family, whom I was supposed to forge the alliance with. They'd been invited, of course, but politely declined because the trip was too long and said they instead readily awaited my arrival.

"One must smile and suck it up." I grinned, waving at Lady Scarlett Yamda as she caught my eye.

"Well, one is a much better woman than I. Just looking at them all makes me want to break their necks." Neera sneered at Scarlett, the two had never gotten along as Scarlett made it rather public that she fancied the pants off Axel.

"Neera." I suppressed a giggle, "It's not so bad."

"Honestly, I'm just glad you're leaving tomorrow. I think it'll be good for you to get away from all—this." She gestured to a group of old men with bellies hanging over their belts, bellowing out laughs whilst holding flutes of alcohol.

Before I could reply, Yoko rushed up to me with flushed cheeks and a heaving chest. She was, above all else, a beacon of comfortability in a den of ravenous beasts. Having Neera and Yoko stood beside me was the greatest relief I could've asked for.

"Fee, you won't believe who I've just had the hottest make out session with!" Yoko blurted out, I glanced at the dark mark on the side of her neck.

"Yoko!" I hissed, jutting my head at Neera, "We're in proper company."

Yoko looked positively mortified. Any flush to her cheeks drained in an instant and a subconscious hand flew to her neck, but Neera was too quick.

"Do go on, I am awfully intrigued as to who took a chunk out of your jugular." Neera flared her nose to fight off a chuckle, further embarrassing Yoko, "Yoko Ezith."

Yoko's jaw slackened, she turned to me and then Neera, then back to me, "She knows my name?"

"Of course she does, you're my Lady in Waiting." I giggled at her horrified expression. Yoko had idolised Neera for as long as I could remember, she was her hero.

"Lady Uroso," Yoko began, still pressing a hand into her neck, "or, do you prefer Touched Sorceress? O-Or Lady Neera?"

"Stop this." Neera tutted, grabbing Yoko's wrist and removing her hand from the love bite, "You're quite alright to talk casually in my company. I've never been one for propriety myself."

Morphed into Love, Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now