4- The Boorish Personality

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Throughout my life, I'd seen some rather beautiful landscapes in Denura. We housed some of the most amazing scenery in the world from rolling hills adorned in deep purple grass to waterfalls hiding the entrances to caves concealing untold riches guarded by mendacious Green Goblins. We had humongous mountains and colour-changing lakes, single-shade rainbows and trees that produced the finest silks instead of buds. But nothing, not even the most outlandish of views in Denura, could compare to the marble behemoth that was The Caecus Isles.

From the moment we'd arrived at the realm's centre, where all the nobles and the palace resided, we'd been tailed by guards dressed in white armour. The ground beneath my feet was marble mixed with swirls of gold—though I could hardly see my feet due to the mist. An indolent fog swam around our ankles, concealing the source of all the vines climbing up the marble buildings. The sky reflected the blues of my eyes and as I looked up I gawked at a pair of Griffins soaring in the sky, each saddled by a human. Magical beasts and humans lived side by side in the Capital.

"How are you liking the Capital so far, Your Majesty?" One of the cloaked guards asked. We left the carriage behind half an hour ago at some rather expensive looking stables where a bard was singing, along with the horses and our driver.

"I think it's quite possibly the most magnificent thing I've ever seen." I awed, trailing my fingertips against a set of vines that were twisting themselves around a bench, "It's almost surreal."

"You speak eloquently and all too kindly, Queen Ophelia." He added with a smile, "Your presence in The Caecus Isles has created quite the buzz in Morsica already."

"All good I hope!" Chirped Yoko, swinging her arms as she walked with a hop in her step. She was enjoying this just as much as me, maybe even more so. Yoko only got the opportunity to travel when I did so she always took advantage of our escapades. She was an especially loquacious woman, but the beauty of our surroundings had rendered her speechless for a time.

"Certainly." The guard confirmed, halting outside a set of the largest gates I'd ever seen. They were entirely wrapped in thick, dark green vines but I could see a peak of gold in between the gaps. Despite the grandiose exterior, there was something so calm and demure about The Caecus Isles, it was quiet and peaceful.

He announced something in Morsica's ancient tongue before the gates slowly opened, being pulled by servants from the other side. We'd finally reached the palace. The eye of the realm.

Made of entirely white bricks—bricks that were individually at least two foot tall—the castle rose so high it looked like it was balancing the sun on its tallest turrets. Although the vines and mist swallowed the courtyard, no foliage or fog dared to disrupt the palace walls, it was a blinding white in the midst of all the green. The entryway was partially sheltered by huge marble columns holding up a roof with pulchritude patterns sketched into its ceiling. Obedient servants lined the pillars to create a clear pathway for us.

It all took my breath away.

"Is it to your liking, Your Majesty?" The guard asked, walking a few steps ahead of us to lead the way.

"Certainly." I gulped. I'd suddenly realised just how in over my head I was. I had to form an alliance with this? What could The Caecus Isles possibly want with Denura, what could they gain from an alliance? It seemed like charity work at best. They seemed far better off than us, at surface level anyway.

Yoko, Amos, Logan and I followed on with alacrity, all four of us entirely stumped by the beauty of the palace. We were used to grey stone and cobbled floors, not gold blemished marble and chiselled patterns on ceilings.

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