17- The Caviar Swap

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"I'm working on it, mother." I rubbed a hand along my freshly shaven jaw, "These things don't happen over night."

"It hasn't been just one night though, has it?" She pressed, hands on her hips like a disapproving teacher.

My mother had called a family meeting, and by family meeting I mean her, father and I. I noticed Mezola was very much out of the loop, but I knew it was for the best. She had befriended Ophelia and wouldn't be able to abide by my mother's cruel plan.

Even I was beginning to struggle.

Ferys was stood in front of me, trying her best to intimidate with impatient eyes but my fiery red irises trumped her green ones entirely. I was growing just as annoyed as my mother, dare I say irate. She was pushing and pushing, all it did was exasperate me, not motivate.

"Ophelia is a woman founded on morals. She won't just break her celibacy. It doesn't work like that." I reasoned. My mother had started off the meeting by grilling my methods of seduction, asking me why I hadn't managed to win Ophelia's heart and what was taking so long.

"She's still human." Ferys scoffed.

"She's delicate." I argued, shoving past and ignoring her splutters of disbelief when I knocked her shoulder, "She can't be rushed, if I press too much it'll be futile. Ophelia needs to be handled with care."

"Ferys—" Remus, my father, tried his best to cut in but my mother barely left room for him to breathe.

"What on earth are you talking about?" She fumed, "Morals? Delicate? Care? Anyone would think she's the one seducing you! Pull yourself together and get the job done, I am sick and tired of waiting."

"I need time." I ignored her, "Weeks. Months. There's no rush."

"There is haste if I say there is haste."

"I am beginning to care less and less about what you say." I dragged a hand down my face, sighing, "This entire plan spells nothing but trouble, surely there's another—"

"Remember what they've done to you!" Ferys all but screeched, completely losing her cool with me, "To them you are a monster and a titan, don't be fooled into being sympathetic... It doesn't suit you."

"Everyone thinks that about Ophelia, too! But you don't see her trying to take over Morsica." I shouted without even thinking. What the fuck? Why was I defending my ruin?

To my mother, of all people.

Ferys did a fantastic job at keeping a level head in the public eye, but I knew better. I knew she was a boiling pot of stew ready to bubble over and make a mess everywhere. For all her put-togetherness, she was messy.

"Who gives a damn about Ophelia Daggart?!" My mother tossed her arms out to the side, "She's a pawn in our game, Ronan. She's not your pet! She's not something you should be attached to, or have feelings for!"

"I'm well aware that the woman is not my pet, mother." I scowled, "One cannot simply buy a heart like you would a market-raised piglet, it is earned."

"Be that as it may, I am not a patient woman."

"Wow, inter-continental news." I drawled, making a beeline for the door.

Ferys didn't stop me leaving, she knew I was my mother's son which meant I was just as stubborn as her. If I wanted to leave, I was going to fucking leave. I swung the door open and slammed it shut, livid all of a sudden.

Morphed into Love, Book 2 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz