14- The Sensual Waters

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Perhaps the Gods were truly cruel creatures and not the benevolent Lords we thought them to be, because no matter how I looked at the situation it didn't seem real. Did the Gods favour my spiteful mother? Since she'd told me to seduce Ophelia, it seemed like opportunities to do so had dropped into my lap. It was almost too easy. Almost.

Almost, because I could feel the telltale tug of desire in my abdomen when I looked at her.

"Your bathroom?" Ophelia exclaimed, tightening her arms around her knees that were pulled up to her chest. She was sat on a bench within the water, looking flushed and thoroughly embarrassed, "I've just had a maid run this for me!"

"Then this maid of yours is very silly," I took a step forwards, "and incompetent," another stride in her direction, "and ought to be punished."

"Absolutely not." Ophelia glowered up at me from her position, she looked like a deer with her large doe eyes and small nose, "It's not her fault you're a filthy pervert, Prince Ronan."

"How so?" I smirked, a metre away from her, "Because the way I see it, you're the one in my bathroom. Naked, in my bath. Pushing your breasts up in front of my face."

Ophelia's jaw slackened and I stifled a snicker. She clearly still wasn't used to my brazen attitude, "That is highly inappropriate, Prince Ronan."

I glanced down. The funny part was I wasn't lying, Ophelia's legs being pressed against her chest had made her breasts push up and squish together. They were much larger than I thought they'd be (not that I'd ever particularly fantasised about tit.)

'It, Ronan. It is the word you're looking for. Not tit.'

Ophelia always wore such conservative clothing, therefore it was impossible to tell that she had such a glorious body underneath all the silks and thick cloth.

'Ronan, what the fuck are you thinking?' I mentally slapped myself. I was in serious need of sex, I'd been unable to make time for Dido lately because of how busy I'd suddenly become.

I reminded myself that Ophelia was still the enemy. This ploy to seduce her was still a lie. And that she was still going to be my ruin if I wasn't careful.

Or, so the spirits said. Honestly, Ophelia was so nice to look at that I was questioning whether or not to even listen to the spirits. She wasn't even my type, for crying out loud. Just a taste couldn't hurt, right? What the fuck did they know? They were ghosts.

'She signed a chastity deal, you don't get to decide anything.' My conscience was the singular driving force behind my sanity, if it weren't for the nagging voice in my head I'd throw caution to the wind and do something stupid.

Then again, I was supposed to be doing stupid things. I was supposed to be seducing her. I was supposed to be entertaining the possibility of breaking the woman's heart and starting a war.

The more I thought about it the more I realised just how ridiculous the entire plan was. My mother had missed the ball with this one. It couldn't end well.

It wouldn't end well.

So perhaps I was justifying my arousal by convincing myself I was merely playing the part, and playing it well. This attraction, or whatever it was, stemmed entirely from the fact that I was a good actor and served my mother's interests like a loyal son would.

'Yes. We'll go with that narrative.' I internally winced.

"Ronan." Her voice pulled me back up for air from the depths of my thoughts.

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