15- The Green-Eyed Monster

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Three days after my impromptu bath with Ronan and my mind had been occupied with naught else. Try as I might've, nothing took the place of his hands on me as I continued to replay the ordeal. He had been so commanding yet soft-spoken, overpowering yet continued to tell me I had all the power.

Did I?

It surely didn't feel like I did. In fact, I felt absolutely at his mercy, for I knew that if Ronan were to try anything of the sort again my restraint might not be so stable.

"God, what's happening to me?" I patted my cheeks, "Snap out of it, Fee."

I had to discipline myself. The first man I found attractive could not be my downfall, then every other man I found attractive would be able to manipulate me in the same way.

"Come on, little Miss Green Gown." Yoko sang as she finished powdering her nose, "Now is not the time to be daydreaming of unholiness, we have an event to attend."

"Stop calling me that, you provocative little troll." I glared at my best friend. She had adorned me with the new nickname since I returned from Zegyi's lair with a dirty dress, it was a euphemism for having sex outdoors.

'What a ridiculous name for me, of all people.' I thought to myself. I didn't even know how to have sex!

"At least you being in Ronan's company has forced you to be more creative with insults." Yoko laughed, gliding over to where I was sat in front of my dressing table, "What shall we do with your hair?"

I had already finished my makeup, for I never allowed any maid or even Yoko to touch my face. My eyelashes were longer than usual and I had a dusting of pink on my freckled, brown cheeks.

One thing I was always rather useless at, though, was styling my hair. It was so long I never knew what to do with all of it.

"How about we just leave it down?" I hoped Yoko would agree with me.

"Nonsense." Just my luck, "Look at all these beautiful waves. There's so many options, especially with this lavender colour you have."

"Like what?" I frowned at her through the mirror.

"I'll compromise with you, how about we go half-up-half-down? Hm?"

"Go on then, do as you wish." I allowed her free reign.

For the next thirty minutes, I watched on in mild curiosity as Yoko brushed any frizz out of my waves and began separating the strands into thick sections and crossing things over and under other parts. It was all very complicated, but the end result looked absolutely fantastic— minus one crucial detail.

"Yoko," I chewed my bottom lip, "I don't mean to sound ungrateful because I absolutely love this, but could you cover the points of my ears?"

"Nope!" She clapped her hands together, "We aren't in Denura, Fee, people here don't give a shit if you're the last of a race of evil elves. You aren't evil, that's all that matters. Besides, I think Ronan likes them."

My cheeks blushed bright red, "I don't care what Ronan thinks!"

Yoko threw her head back to laugh, "Yes, right, right. Of course. Do you need me to tie your corset?"

"Please." I muttered, pushing aside my frustrations. Yoko knew just how to get me riled up and it drove me insane, even though I knew she was only doing it to get a reaction out of me.

The corset I was wearing pulled my waist to within an inch of my life (for I could hardly breathe.) I'd paired it with one of my favourite gowns, a beautiful tulle-lace dress with lavender tones running throughout that complimented my hair. Its neckline was conservative enough as to not attract unwanted attention, but low enough so that a small amount of my bust was visible.

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