“Ha Joon’s daughter.” Vegas answered.


“But why would they be so reckless about it, though? I mean, if you want make bodies disappear and cover your own doings, you can’t be that dumb to the point to leave that many evidence behind.”

“True. But at the same time, I think about our own experiences in the past.” Kinn started again. “You remember why grandpa always told us to never let an important package being delivered without our very own eyes on it?”

“Because people can always mess things up when those are not a real concern for them.” Vegas answered, remembering his father’s words, those who were learned with his own father before him. “You think they personnel were too confident to make sure things were well covered.”

“Why not? Yìchen always acted without having to face any consequences. He has the authorities in the palm of his hands.”

“Apparently not the way he thinks.” Vegas said.

“Well, kind of. The case was passed to another department and he never heard about it again.”

“Yìchen probably was involved on that matter.”

“I don’t have the slightest doubt of that.” Kinn said. “Arm tried to access the Hospital records from the last ten years to see if we could identify the girl and her family by seeing their records of surgeries involving transplants, but a lot of it was missing. It was like they simply vanished all of sudden.”

“But I guess you didn’t give up there.” Vegas said.

“Arm never does.” Kinn confessed. “I contacted our officer again and he said he would investigate and would return to me in a few days. But guess what...”

“He died.” Vegas was more than sure that his answer was the right one.

“His body was found this morning and it’s all over the news there. ‘A Police Veteran that took his own life after being discovered to be involved with organ trafficking’. The newspaper is in my hands right now”.

“Do they know our involvement with him?” Vegas asked a little anxious. After all, if the people who killed the man knew about his link with Vegas’s family, Yìchen would have to know as well and that could mean danger to Pete.

“No. Every time we talked; Arm would delete any evidence that he contacted anyone outside China.” Kinn reassured. “The thing is that we lost the only contact we had there; at least the only one that could actually give us something about Ha Joon’s family. But, to be honest with you, I don’t think they’re still alive, Vegas. These people can fake evidence whenever they like, maybe what Ha Joon was seeing as proof all these years was fake.”

“I didn’t expect them to be.” Vegas confessed. “Especially after I killed him. But I saw them as an opportunity to have some kind of access to Yìchen and his family.”

“I know.” Kinn took a deep breath on the other side of the line. “But we still have the family who lives in Chumphon, maybe they know more about this whole business chain in Jiangxi.”

“Pete was planning to go there anyways to visit his grandparents. We can talk with them and see what they know about it.” Vegas said.

“I was thinking about a trip to China as well.” Kinn said. “After all, we can discover more being there than counting on other people to do the investigation for us.” Kinn’s tone was different than usual, Vegas could almost feel the tiredness on him. “I mean, the Huàng family is literally the only thing stopping us from carry on with our initial plans for the family. So, the fastest we resolve this, better, right?”

A Life with Him [VegasXPete]Where stories live. Discover now