Chapter 16

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What the fuck happened.

Waking up in a bed that's not mine, In a room made for a child can have anyone's brain seriously questioning their life leading up to this point.

Removing the covers from my body I blush immediately after noticing the pajamas I'm wearing. A footed onesie that is covered in little cowboy hats and boots.

Standing up quickly I take notice of the slightly familiar room. Last time I was here I was at Ms.Ramanos house and we almost kissed.

Exiting the room I try to remember the path I took last time to end up at the kitchen but unfortunately I was not as lucky as last time. Opening door after door I find a lot of interesting things, one of those things being a dog.

He was quietly laying down in a dog bed till he saw me and excitedly pranced over. Bending down I look to see a name tag saying 'Rusty'.

"Hi Rusty" I say to the dog holding my hand out to shake. He puts his paw in my hand then licks my face repeatedly knocking me to the ground to continue his adorable assault. I pet his golden fur making sure to scratch all the good spots.

"So Rusty, how do I get out of here?" Standing up I question to the dog who only tilts his head to the side before bolting out of the room.

"Rusty wait for me!" I chase after him giggling. We run down the hall making a left until my face collided into soft pillowy tits. I probably stay there for ten seconds in pure bliss until my brain started working again and I begin to push away. Quickly I'm grabbed by the back of the neck forcing my face into the cleavage of a goddess. Tilting my head up I see Ms.Ramano smiling down as she scratches my head.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up Sammy" she says in a soothing tone. I can feel the vibrations whenever she talks and it oddly comforting."breakfast is almost ready if you want to go watch some cartoons" she doesn't wait for an answer instead she picked me up placing me on her hip. We walk out of the kitchen and I see Layla bent over the stove cooking, well I think she was trying to but seeing as a lot of smoke and curse words started to fill the air, I would say she was having some troubles.

Ms.Ramano doesn't bat an eye, even when the smell of burning food started to fill the air. She places me on the couch before grabbing the remote to turn on Looney Toons. A quick kiss to the forehead and she was off to the kitchen, I'm guessing to save breakfast. My eyes stay glued to the screen watching the coyote chase the roadrunner over and over. I faintly hear talking in the distance but honestly all my attention is on the screen like an iPad kid.

Suddenly my furry friend joins me on the couch. He plops down making himself comfy so I lay on top of him while keeping my eyes on the tv. We cuddle for a bit before I see Ms.Welsh blocking my view.

"Breakfast is ready, sweets" She pushes some hair that had fallen into my eyes to the side before pulling my thumb out my mouth "and don't suck on you thumb, it has germs" a deep blush fills my face. I didn't even know I was doing it. "Let's go love, I didn't work my butt off making those pancakes for them to get cold" walking back into the kitchen I see Ms.Ramano turn off the stove before playing the last pancake.

"Excuse me" Ms.Ramano says accusingly. One of her eyebrow raises as she crosses her arms over her chest "you mean, I worked my butt off making those pancakes" she says playfully. Ms.Welsh only rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "I mean, unless you want to eat the pancakes you made" she points to a plate of black pancakes. Looking at it you wouldn't even know they were pancakes at one point, they look like charcoal.

"Ohhhhhhh she got you" I bust out laughing.

"Oh you think that's funny? Well I'll give you something to laugh about" Ms.Welsh goes for my sides tickling me mercilessly. I fall to the ground to weak to even stand. At this point she goes after all my weak spots as she stands over me. My stomach begins to hurt at how much I'm laughing but luckily Ms.Ramano comes to save the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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