Chapter 7

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Walking into Ramano corporations for the second time in my life I am just as nervous as the first time. But today is the first day on the job as Ms.Romano's assistant and I am terrified. Not only do I have to do a job I've never done before but also has work under Ms.Ramano.

Walking up to the front desk I see the same receptionist as last time and a smile instantly forms on my face.

"Welcome back honey! I'm glad to see you got the job." The older woman tells me with a broad smile. "Just give me two seconds and I'll have your ID." The woman says as she types away on her computer.

"Thank you ma'am" I say to the woman typing away at the computer. "And do you know what floor will I be working on?" I question. I know I'll be working with Ms.Ramano but will I be on the same floor with her?

"Looks like your on the... 22nd floor. Ohhh wow look at you working with the big boss." The receptionist says to me as I feel a small blush appear on my face. "Now listen, I really like you so I'm gonna give you some advice. Don't let her break you. She will say a lot of mean things out of anger so don't take her words to heart. Keep your head up high and be confident." The receptionist says to me leaning against the table trying to whisper but she's still talking pretty loud.

I'm gonna take her advice but I'm fucked essentially. I'm too emotional and I'm gonna cry the second she raises the voice at me. Maybe I should just go home and quit. It'll be better than getting fired.

"Here is your ID so security won't give you any problems and good luck honey." She says as she hands me the card with my name and picture on it breaking me out of thoughts.

I mumble out a thank you as I walk towards the elevator and get on to press the button for the 22nd floor.

While I'm on my way up I aggressively start wiping my hands on my pants seeing as I am uncontrollably sweating from all of my overthinking. I'm gonna fuck up at some point, I always do and Ms.Ramano is going to yell at me and fire me.

Once the elevator finally stops and the door opens up I walk into the hallway finding a man behind a desk. I look a little over to the right and see two huge white doors with a plaque that says 'CEO Valerie Ramano'.

Walking up to the man behind the desk I clear my throat and wait for him to finish whatever it is he's doing on the computer. This guy is probably in his late 20s with a fresh shave and slicked black hair. He's fairly fit and is wearing some very nice clothes and a gold watch that wouldn't just put a dent in my bank account it would demolish it. It makes me a little self conscious of what I'm wearing considering I got my navy button down and black slacks off the clearance aisle for 40 bucks and my watch at Walmart for 15.

"You must be Samantha." I hear him say breaking the silence. He stands up from his chair to give me a handshake. I subtly wipe my sweaty hand on my slacks before shaking his hand. "I'm David, Ms.Ramano assistant."

"Wait if your her assistant that what am I?" I ask confused about my job.

"Ohhhh your her personal assistant. You'll get her coffee, lunch, sometimes dinner. You also will run errands , sit in meetings, and tend to her needs. Your basically her little bitch but hey you get paid a pretty penny." He says to me.

Damn I didn't think I was just going to be an errand boy. I thought I'd actually get to do important stuff, but if it pays the bills I'm not complaining.

"So first things first you can get her a coffee at the cafe on the 2nd floor. Just tell them who it's for and you'll be good." David says as he goes back to typing on the computer.

Walking towards the elevator I take a quick glance towards the intimidating doors. Maybe I can do this job without having to interact with Ms.Ramano at all. I'll just keep my head down and do the tasks I'm told. Easy, right?

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