Chapter 1

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Sam's POV
I finally found the perfect job, and It's at the biggest company around. I have a job interview in an hour but I'm panicking.

What if I don't get the job and end up homeless? Who's gonna feed Fred? How am I gonna feed myself?

Ok I need to relax. Everything will be fine. Right?

I need to get ready. First I put on my blue slacks and add my white button down while grabbing my blazer. Onto my short brown hair that I just slick back while struggling to put on my dress shoes.

Now I have just the right amount of time to walk to the building. Its about a 20 minute walk from my apartment.

I pat Freds head on my way out the door and he purrs a little before going back to sleep.

As I head out I start a little pep talk to myself to make me feel better, but it doesn't do to much for my anxiety. I'm starting to sweat a little, but hopefully the cold weather outside will cool me down before I get there.

I finally make it to the shiny building with Ramano corporation in bold next to the building. Heading inside I go to the desk up front and see a lady typing away at the computer.

I wait patiently by the desk for her to stop. As contemplate weather I should say something or wait for her to notice me when I hear a friendly southern accent.

"Hi darlin what can I do for you" the older woman asks

"Hello I here for a job interview" I barely muster out. Now the nerves are kicking in.

"What's the name honey" damn. Is it just me or when an older woman calls me honey you just melt inside. It kinda makes me feel like a little kid again.

"Samantha Huxley, ma'am" I say snapping back to reality

"Oh I see y'a. Go ahead and head on up to the 21st floor. Your interview should be with Amelia Lock. And good luck honey you seem like just the sweetest. Y'a know you remind me of my grandson he's about your age..." she kept talking while I was looking at my watch worrying about being late but I didn't have the heart to stop her so I just listened to her talk.

"Alright honey I should probably let you go. I wish you the best!"

I proceeded to head towards the elevator when I see the most drop dead gorgeous woman walking my way and what looks to be a very frazzled assistant trying to keep up with her long strides.

I mean this woman is tall especially in the 6 inch heels and the curves on her have me salivating. I look away when I feel a slight blush on my cheeks as she takes a glance at me.

When the elevator finally dings we all finally get in but she stops the assistant.

"Take the stairs."she says

"But there's 22 floors"he says

She doesn't say anything but gives him a bone chilling look. He looks terrified and I don't blame him.

The last thing I want to do is get on her bad side. But I would love to be on her back side.

Stop it brain!!!

Im currently trying to not do anything to piss her off so I don't have to take the stairs as well. I don't even think I'm breathing at this point. I can't help but stare at her breasts out the corner of my eye like a damn pervert, but I really can't help it if you saw them you wouldn't be able to look away. She is like walking sex appeal with black hair that comes to her waist and a dress that has a small slit up the thigh.

She doesn't say a word or even look at me for that matter. All I can hear is the furious typing on her phone.

As she puts her phone away she takes a look in my direction and I instantly look down at my feet. I can feel her stare the whole way up the elevator and when It finally dings I let out a sigh of relief. I exit the elevator as fast as I can not looking back. I trip on my feet a little but I just continue walking like nothing happened, until I hear a chuckling coming from the elevator. Im not going to make it though the day.

I start looking around till I see an office with the name Amelia Lock on the front. I knock till I hear.

"Come in"

As I open the door I see a beautiful woman sitting at a desk. She has blond mid length hair, she is wearing a blue blouse and a tight black skirt that don't leave anything to the imagination.

God I'm gay.

"Hello you must be Samantha. It's nice to meet you." She gives me a handshake and gestures for me to sit down.

"Yes ma'am, It's really nice to meet you."And your breast. God damn.

When I look up she has a smirk on her face and I know Ive been caught. God, can I blush anymore today.

"My pleasure, and please don't call me ma'am you're making me feel old." She says with a slight chuckle "Now can you tell me about the experience you have in I.T."

"Well I just graduated college with a degree in computer science-"I say but she interrupts me.

"Yes, But do you have any job experience. We are looking for people who have a minimum of 5 years experience, and we don't have and entry level positions currently." She ask.

"Well no, but I'm an excellent worker and Im always-"

"Im sorry Ms.Huxley, but unfortunately we cannot hire you for the job." She says.

I feel defeated at this point. Ive applied to so many jobs but I hardly ever hear back from any of them. Rents coming up soon, and at this point I pay have to move back in with my dad.

"However I am currently hiring for a temporary assistant since my current one is taking a sabbatical. You can work as my assistant for a year, then we will get you a permanent job in I.T. It's been a while since I've seen someone so eager and handsome as you." She says that last part in a low voice and winks at me. Is she flirting with me?

"Ill take it. Thank you so much."I say. It may not be what I was hoping for but its something.

"Great you start Monday at 8. See you then."She says.

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