Chapter 11

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The weekend went by smoothly with a couple of text from Ms.Ramano checking up on me or simply telling me to eat or go to bed. I've learned not to fight with her on it because it's a loosing battle. She threatened to come over to my apartment multiple times after I refused and the last thing I needed was Ms.Ramano knocking at my door.

"Sammy, I have a meeting in a couple of minutes and I need you there to take notes. So go get your laptop" I snap out of my thoughts and stand up following her out the door making sure not to get too close.

Neither of us has brought up what happened Friday mostly because I'm to embarrassed to. I was so close to kissing a beautiful woman only for me to panic. If I could go back in time I would slap myself for being so stupid.

"You okay baby" she ask once we step into the elevator. I give a small nod refusing to look at her. She was about to question me more but before she could the doors open so I quickly walk out to avoid that conversation.

Walking up to the meeting room door I wait patiently for Ms.Ramano to walk in. "We will talk about this later." She says to me before caressing my cheek.

I walk behind Ms.Ramano and take a seat right next to her putting my laptop on the desk. Pulling up my notes I wait for the meeting to start absentmindedly tapping my foot. When I look up I see all the people in the room getting situated but looking at the seat at the end of the table my eyes lock with a very familiar face. I can't seem to remember where though, she has long blonde hair and is wearing a very tight black dress perfectly capturing her cleavage. A smirk covers her face making me look back at my laptop with a small blush coating my face.

I feel a hand creep it's way onto my thigh and squeeze partially hard. It hurt but I didn't dare move. Looking up I see a very pissed off Ms.Ramano staring at the woman across from her. They seam to be having a silent conversation until the woman speaks.

"Shall we begin this meeting?" She asks relaxing back in her seat with a hint of amusement in her tone.

"Lets" was all Ms.Ramano said before she looked at me. When she noticed my slight pained expression she eased up her grip and began rubbing the sore spots.

The meeting continues on for the next two hours. I was beginning to get hungry and tired but most of all bored. Everyone else in the meeting was just watching Ms.Ramano and the other woman who turns out to be our biggest competitor. Layla Welsh CEO of Welsh corporation.

Most of the meeting was the two woman taking passive aggressive shots at each other with some business talk in between. I've been trying to take note but I haven't gotten much considering most of it has been insults.

"Let's take a break" Ms.Ramano say when she takes a look at me. I think she realized that she has gotten nowhere in the last two hours.

The whole room begins to get up to stretch, get water, or use the bathroom. Ms.Ramano stands up to go talk to the man that has been sitting next to me. I think he's in charge of finances of the company.

I feel a twinge in my bladder so I decide to take this time to relieve myself but the second I get up Ms.Ramano lightly grabs my shoulder pushing me back into my seat.

"Where are you going?" She asks stopping her conversation with the man.

"I have to use the bathroom" I say with a slight attitude. I can't help it I'm hungry and it makes me pissy.

I stand up hastily and walk to the bathroom outside the meeting room not sparing a glance back.

Doing my business I wash my hands but when I look up into the mirror I see Ms.Walsh's eyes piercing gaze scaring the absolute shit out of me. She has a sly smile on her face as she walks closer to me.

The CEO's little oneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz