Chapter 2

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Sam's POV

      After my Job interview I called my best friend to tell her the news.

I wouldn't consider it great news considering I didn't get the job I wanted, but at least I have a way to not starve. The pay isn't bad, but having to be at someones beck and call all the time will get annoying.

She also kinda gave me a weird vibe that I can't describe.

"DID YOU GET THE JOB!!!" Dolly practically screams in my ear.

Yes, that's right her mother named her after our lord and savior Dolly Parton. It's fitting since she was born and raised in Tennessee. Dolly and I met 8th grade year when my dad moved there for a job. Its always been just my dad since my mom left when I was 6. Ran off with her secret lover and never looked back. Dolly's mother always took care of me and treated me like another daughter. After me and Dolly graduated college we decided to move to Atlanta to pursue our dreams.

"Kinda"I say

"What do you mean kinda. You either got it or you didn't."She says

"Well I didn't get the I.T job like I planed but she did offer me to be her temporary assistant."I say

"Well good for you, I'd probably get fired on the first day knowin me."She's right. I love her but she ain't got a filter.

Thats actually how she got fired from a previous job. The manger asked her to clean up some kids vomit and she asked him if his weak little arms were strong enough to do it cause a real man would've had that shit clean by now.

"Yeah, you would. Anyways you want to meet at the diner to get some food cause I'm starving."

"Hell yeah. I'll see you in 20." She then hung up on me.

As Im walking out the parking lot I suddenly get hit by a very expensive car.

Damn today is not my day.

I roll on top of the hood and end up on the pavement. I let out a groan of pain but I don't think anything is broken.

Coming out of the car I see the same goddess from the elevator bending down to check on me.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? That it Jeremy your FUCKING FIRED!"I hear her say but I'm still to dazed to even respond.

I mean her tits are right in front of my face. Have I mentioned my absolute love for boobs. I want to die being suffocated by them. Id die the happiest woman alive.

"Love, I need to hear you say something so I know you're alright."She said.

"I-I uhhh ye-yeah I-I'm fine. I should uhhh probably get going now."I try to stand up but she put her hand on my chest to stop me and picks me up like I way nothing.

Like I know I'm skinny, but still she does it effortlessly in heels.

"Uhh excuse me, but what are you doing." I say as I try to get out of her hold but she just gives me this bone chilling look that makes me to scared to move.

"Im taking you to the hospital."She says. I go to refuse the offer but she shushes me before I can say anything.

She seems like the type of woman to get anything she wants.

When she puts me in the car she buckles me up. She's close enough that I can smell that sweet perfume she has on. She winks at me and instantly I'm red as a tomato only to see her smirking as she closes the door.

At this point I'm shocked. Like am I being kidnapped now by this urethral looking woman.

I quickly take off the seat belt and desperately try to open the door only for it to be locked.

"Tsk Tsk, baby you have to stay buckled in." I hear from behind me. I whip around only to come face to face with her. She gently but aggressively puts me back against the seat and pulls seat belt into place.

This woman is strong.

"Look I don't need to go to the hospital I'm fine."I say slightly aggravated.

"Too late"She says as she pulls out the parking lot.

I quickly pull out my phone to text Dolly that I can't meet her at the diner and send her the code word yellow.

We chose that word together in high school and it means that I have two hours to text back green before she thinks somethings wrong. It really helps when you're in sketchy situations.

As I put my phone away I reach up to my forehead to get my hair out my face when I feel a little blood.

Maybe she is right in me needing to go to the doctor. My head does hurt a little so she might just feel bad about what happened and wants to help me.

Not a word has been said in the last ten minutes. I continuously shake my leg as I start getting bored. I want to talk to her but maybe she doesn't want to talk to me. I don't want to say anything stupid in font of this beautiful woman so I just quietly count all the buildings we pass.

"Soooo what's your name" I finally ask after contemplating it for a while.

"Valerie Romano"She say in a heavenly voice.

My eyes proceed to go as wide as saucers.

"Romano as in Romano Corporation"I squeak out.

"Yes, Im the CEO of the company you just got hired too."


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