Chapter 16 - Measures

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Jonte made a call. "All surfaces, especially the tub... co-ordinates on their way to you now.."

"No problem Sir, we're on it.." he ended the call.

He looked at Lucille, dead with her eyes wide open in the tub, in deep crimson bath water. He swallowed hard, he thought about Mina, he knew now in no uncertain terms that his wife was in danger. He closed his eyes as he realised that he would need to come out of his incognito stance and take up his position again to be able to take on Theo at his own game.

Jonte kissed his fingers and put them to Lucille's forehead before leaving. He headed out and left the door as it was. He got back to the car Mina looked at him questioningly. "Well?."

He started the engine. "She's gone...

 "She's gone

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Gone where... is there any clue?."

"Mina... shes dead...

Mina screamed and held her face her eyes wide. "No... noooo..."

"He killed her...she was in the tub.. I've called in a clean up crew.."

"Oh my god... oh my god... OH MY GODDDD." She screamed louder and louder as the realisation set in and the fact that her friend was dead and Theo was an unhinged psychopath with his sights set on her.
Jonte pulled the car over to stop her frantic and hysterical panic attack she was now in the full height of. He stopped the car with an abrupt skid and he grabbed her and pulled her to him.
"He's gonna kill me... he's gonna kill me..."

"He is not gonna touch you Mina.. MINA!.."
she stopped on hearing him shout, his raised voice enough to snap her back out of it. She breathed deeply trying to regain herself.
"Look at me.. do you honestly think I would let him touch you.. or let him near you?.. you must have forgotten who I am... let's get you home, but I think as soon as we get there, we send the kids to yo sisters for a few days.. they would love a vacation in Miami..." he added.


Kurtis sat in front of Greg. He was not impressed. "So you pulled in Ammo for this.. gave him exclusivity of the distribution of the products and the entire fucking supply chain..."

"He is the best for the job

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"He is the best for the job.. you know he is.."

"Ammo hasn't been around for fucking years.. I have been running shit in the East.. I've got this on lock and you know it.. but instead you deal with a fucking outta touch corporate ass mother fucker.."

"Corporate.. why do people keep saying that?"

"They are saying it because it's fucking true.. he hung up his G game a long time ago and handed his operations to Kris.. he's been doing a fucking 9 to 5 for Nike for almost 9 fucking years.... my guess is Kris pulled him in for the face value to seal the deal... I also guess that now the contract is signed and sealed he will disappear again and Kris will be the one out on the streets running yo shit... Into the ground.." Kurtis told him.

Greg sat forward he did not know this and he wasn't happy about being duped. He wanted to do business with Ammo and not Kris. "If this is true then they will both pay for playing me... but for now.. get the fuck outta my trap Kurtis...I'll be in touch if yo story stands up."

Kurtis left his office and headed a block over to pick up his car. He got in and then looked at Theo who had been waiting for him. "You better be right about Ammo, Greg is going to look into it...

"He can look all he likes he will find the truth out soon enough

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"He can look all he likes he will find the truth out soon enough. By the way I'm gonna need to stay with you.. me and my girl broke up." He smirked.

Kurtis looked at him. "What about Ammo's wife?.. you still pursuing that piece of ass?."

He smiled. "All my focus is on her now bro.. Lucille was just getting in my way and stopping me from getting to what I really want." He said as Kurtis drove them back to his swanky pad.


"Chelle thank you so much for taking them.." Mina said to her sister who they had called on the way home.

"It's fine.. Cole is in LA so he is going to swing by and collect them and bring them back here on his private jet...

"Private jet huh?." Mina said not wanting to sound worried or scared to her sister on the phone.

"He is a multi billionaire sis." She said. "I am treated like a Queen out here." She laughed. "Just how Jonte treats you." She added. "Daddy was right about us both finding the right men.."

"Daddy was always right, bless his heart." Mina added. "Anyway Chelle. I'll wait for Cole to swing by and get the kids.. and we'll come across and collect them as soon as we can.."

"No rush sis... they can have some fun out here... it's the school holidays so treat it as a holiday with their auntie..."

The girls spoke for a minute or so more and the call ended. Mina looked at Jonte. "Cole will be here in an hour or so..."

Jonte headed up to the kids bedrooms. He walked into Harleys room. "Get up son, you have half an hour to pack a case...


"We thought that we would leave it to the last minute to surprise you as tomorrow is the last school day before the holidays... you're off to Miami to stay with yo aunt and Cole is picking you up in an hour to fly you there by jet..."

Both kids were super excited, Mina and Jonte kept everything cool and calm around them until Cole arrived in his SUV  with his security and picked them up. He was heavily flanked with security. He was a star NBA player and had been in LA doing some promotional work for his new clothing brand.

"Have a great time okay... you both deserve it you have both been super amazing at school this year." Mina said as she leaned in the car to see them off.

"We love you mom." Nell said, her face bursting with excitement.

Mina stood back anxiously and watched her kids drive off with Cole and she turned to Jonte. "I'm so, so sorry for bringing Theo into our lives.."

Jonte looked at her. "Let's not worry about that now.. let me find a way to deal with his ass.." he said and walked inside but Mina knew he was angry with her.

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