Chapter 14 - Kurtis

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Mina was up the next morning making sure Nell and Harley had what they needed for school.
"Hey daddy." Nell said and ran to give him a hug when she saw him walking down the stairs.

Mina looked at Jonte, she then looked at the ground and turned away from him continuing to parcel up the kids lunches for school.

"Hey baby." He said and hugged Nell as well as dapping his son and smiling.

"I'm not going into work today." Mina said to him. "I wondered if you might be able to stay home today so we could talk?" She said to him shyly.

"We talked last night... I'm busy today, and got a lot going on right now I'll see you this evening... bye kids!.." he said picking up his car keys and his jacket and then leaving.

Mina went out after him. She jumped in the car and sat in the passenger side of his car and looked at him. "What have I got to do Jonte?.. tell me please because I can't deal with us being like this..."

"Of all the people in my fucking life I didn't think that you would be the one to fuck with me

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"Of all the people in my fucking life I didn't think that you would be the one to fuck with me... I trusted you, every single time you've left the house and you've gone out with yo friends you've done yo own thing, even going to fucking Milan with Raymond... I trusted you, and then I find out about you and Theo and I don't know how I feel right now, because this isn't what I expected from us... Do you understand what I'm trying to say." He said to her.

Mina nodded. "but I can't go back and change it, as much as I wish I could...and I know that I can't lose you... So I need you to tell me what happens next, because you're the one holding all the cards right now and I feel like I'm living in limbo.... because you're barely talking to me..." she put her hand on top of his. "I came to my senses Jonte, I told him enough was enough and I moved away from that situation, and I made it clear to him that it wasn't a damn thing going to be happening after that... I told him that I love you" she said and wiped a tear as it dropped onto her cheek. "Because I do, I really do... Jonte I fucked up, I just need you to tell me what I have to do?.."

He sighed. "I love you... I just see you and him when I close my eyes right now...

"It wasn't a thing... it wasn't anything Jonte.. I swear... I don't care what he wants, what he says... It meant nothing and it was so dumb of me to even go there.. I love you... and I just need to know that everything is going to be okay between me and you, because I love you and I need you."

He touched her face

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He touched her face. "I am not going to let a jumped up little motherfucker like him try to fuck us up..." he took a deep breath. "Give me those lips, give me a kiss."
Mina leaned forward and kissed him, tenderly.

she sat back up and looked at him. "So can we put this behind us now please?"

"Aite... now let me go to work..." he said.

"And you and Kris...

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows. "I told you last night I'm still heading it up, that's why he comes to me when he absolutely needs to... I'm not deep in it... I sit at the top, so I can give orders... So I can live my life with you and the kids... like a ghost to it...  I pull the strings, I sign the contracts, I reap the benefits while they do all the ground work... What is there not to like about that entire situation..."

"It's dangerous... and we left that world behind... But you haven't left it behind, you are actually still doing this shit and using your corporate identity as a front... Why didn't you tell me this from the beginning?." She said to him.

"because you think it's easy for me to just walk away from the game, I cannot do that... The way that I'm doing it right now is the safest for us.. I am fucking anonymous, and only called into action when it's absolutely necessary... now baby I've gotta go.. I'll see you and the kids for dinner." He said.
Mina looked at him for a second and then she opened the car door and got out, watching him drive away.


"The fuck is wrong with you?.. where the fuck you been bro... I have been trying to get hold of you... I need to know who the fuck Greg is working with?.." Kurtis said angrily.



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"What... naw... Ammo, has been incognito for time.."

"he's been using it as a front... He's the one calling all the shots, I've pulled out of the deal.."

"and why the fuck would you go and do something stupid like that... What the hell do you mean you've pulled out of the deal what gave you that fucking right?.." Kurtis said angrily.

"he is the fucking husband of the girl that I want, the girl that I....." he sniggered. "I'm going to get..."

"You're fucking with Ammo's girl... bro, you are a crazy motherfucker sometimes you know that, the things that you do for pussy.."

"This ain't just any pussy... That motherfucker went for me last night, warned me off of his wife...but what he's done.." he smiled. "he's actually stoked the fire just a little bit more, and I'm going to go all out to make sure that I fucking get her." Theo said.

Kurtis looked at his brother. "Fuck it... I wanna meet with Ammo...


"you stay the fuck out of it, you don't wanna be fucking with him right now... I would leave his girl alone, but I know you ain't gonna do that... So while you're trying to get into her damn pants, I'll take care of business... Have Greg set me up a meet with Ammo... ASAP." He told him.


Chelsea had come over to see Mina. They had both gone to the grocery store so that Mina was able to prepare a really nice dinner as another way to apologise to Jonte.
"So you talked to him?." Chelsea asked.

"Yeah.. we're okay I think.. but the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so I am going to cook him up a storm tonight... he also faced off with Theo..

"Oh.. shit!.." Chelsea said. "Speaking of.. have you heard from Lucille?."

She shook her head. "No... and I know..that's mainly my fault because I've distanced myself, because of this entire fucking mess... Nothing happened between me and him, nothing amazing anyway... So I don't even know why I'm not talking to her I guess I just feel like a prick...:but I just wish that she wouldn't have picked up with my ex from college.."

"you 2 are better than this, maybe you should both talk... You tell her how you feel and she'll let you know that things aren't going as great as she wanted them to with Theo anyway... He's barely been in contact with her and obviously I know the reason why, because it's not her he's you." Chelsea said. "I really think that she could do with her best friend right now!."

Mina heard her and nodded.

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