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 I roll around in my bed, like I've been doing for what feels like hours. I cant sleep whatsoever. For what reason, I don't know. What I do know, is that if I spend much longer like this I'll go insane!

I sit up straight, resting my back against the rough wooden wall. I flip my legs around to stand up, then I walk a few steps to get to the crate with my stuff. I dig through the clothes to find the other things, I spot a small notebook and pen, which I grab and push into my back pocket.

Im bored as hell and would literally do anything to just like, not be bored?? I start to draw, and before I can even realize what I'm doing, a salamander starts to become more clear on my paper with every line I make. I laugh to myself, then make the decision to go mess with a certain blonde boy. 

I leave my room with the notebook, and as quietly as I can I make my way over to Newts room. 

I rip the page out, then slide it under the gap between his door and the floor, pushing it as far into his room as I can. I laugh again, but then I hear movement from the room and bolt to the door of the homestead. 

I run outside cause like, no body no crime, and I wasn't about to let myself get caught for that. I slowly make my way over to the kitchen, trying to make no noise so I don't wake up the other gladers. 

Nobody is supposed to be up until sunrise, and the only people up around that time are the runners anyway. I think being a runner would be fun. That doesn't mean I want to be a runner, that shits scary. I do wonder if the maze is really as bad as I've been told though.

Wouldn't it be funny if I just snuck in there right after the runners so nobody has the chance to notice.

That'd be so funny.

"Greenie what the shuck are you doing?"

I'm staring off at the maze and completely zoned out so I flinch at the sudden noise, then I turn to see Newt to the left of me. I roll my eyes and grab an apple from behind me, biting into it before shifting my body to face him. 

'What if I just like, went into the maze?'

I see his face go from anger, to confusion, to even more confusion, then back to anger. He opens his mouth clearly about to comment but I cut him off before he can. 

'I know its like dangerous or whatever, but who cares. If I don't die, then I get to know what's in there. If I do die, then your life just gets easier.'

I give him a smile and I can see him genuinely considering it, for a second I think he might actually just let me go. He just shakes his head before giving a stern 'no' which I frown at. We start to bicker back and forth with yes and no.

We keep up the 'argument' until suddenly we hear the doors open, and I notice the sun starting to come up. I stop replying to him as I stare up at the gorgeous orange color painting over what was a black sky. As my eyes dart around, I notice Minho and Thomas starting their daily expedition and I press my lips into a thin line and furrow my brows.

I cross my arms, turn away from Newt and start slowly walking over to the opening in the walls. I hear him following closely behind me but it takes him a bit to try to talk.

"What are you doing, you're not actually going in are you?"

'Uhhhh yeah, actually I think I am.'

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now