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I shoot up from my bed, hearing yelling from outside the homestead. I don't think twice before I yank the blanket off of my legs and run to the door, almost face planting while doing so.

I make it out and the light from the sun washes over my face before I turn to look into the woods, where I notice Alby. 

Even though I literally threw the door open I don't think he noticed, as his back is still facing the other way, so I try to creep over closer to him to hear what's happening.

As I inch my way over I notice the blonde hair sticking out from the direction Alby is facing. I roll my eyes as I instantly know who's being yelled at.

"You're supposed to be the one who makes the greenies feel safe! You've always done your job, what's so bad about Macie that you cant?"

He ended up coming clean about being the one who gave me the bruises, Alby said he'd ask every glader who it was if nobody owned up to it and I guess Newt just didn't want our business out there.

He got out of the slammer a few days ago, his punishment would've been longer but I asked Alby to not be harsh, because I'm a dumbass.

Newt tries to reply but is cut off almost immediately, "Listen. I don't care what you have to do. That poor girl is probably scared out of her mind in here and instead of being helpful you've left her to depend on the two boys who are never here. Unless you want to go into the maze and take Thomas's spot as a runner, I suggest you fix whatever is going on between you two." 

Alby starts to turn so I rush back into the homestead, closing the door as lightly as I could. I take in the conversation I just heard. What the hell?  

I get back into my room and sit on the end of my bed, one knee up to my chest while the other dangles off.

 I don't depend on Minho or Thomas? I don't depend on anyone. Do I? I shake all the thoughts out of my head as I hear a knock on my door.

I walk over, opening it to see Newt, standing there with his head hung low and arms crossed. He slowly looks up at me and I put my hands on my hips, trying not to show any sign that I heard everything that just went down. 

I notice his eyes look kind of red, but I still refuse to let myself feel guilty for him so I ignore it. Even though he's apologized, and we kind of got on okay terms, no distance has shown to be detrimental.

We both 'agreed' to not be as rude towards each other, but not much has changed. I mean, we've had some nice moments where we just existed without any resentment showing between us, but it's still mostly us constantly at the others throat.

'What? The suns barely up why are you here?' I say possibly too harshly, and he just looks around my room, avoiding my eyes. I stand there waiting for a response, and eventually I get sick of waiting, so I go to close my door. 

I can barely hear when he says 'wait' and stops it with his foot, our eyes meet for a split second before he tilts his head to look at the wall next to me. Im fed up with his shit by now so I take my hand and grab his chin, moving his head to face me.

 I raise my eyebrows, 'Talk'.

He finally spits something out as I lower my hand, but its more of a stutter than anything, "I-I uh, I just- Uh- Thomas- he's uh, he's about to um- leave. For the maze." 

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now