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*a week later*

I'm in the kitchen working on cutting the bread I had made, when Frypan runs in after he's been missing the entire HOUR I was working on lunch.

"Greenie you gotta come see this!"

Yeah, still greenie. I cant remember my name like, at all. I'm tempted to just make something up honestly. Anyway, I walk over to Fry and he grabs my hand and pulls me over to where a bunch of boys are huddled up in a circle around something. I let go of Fry and I start shoving through people by nudging them with my elbows. Once I make it to the center I see Gally tackling some random boy who I couldn't name but still recognized, a builder, maybe? 

I roll my eyes as I look around to see who's watching, I put my hands on my hips while I silently judge everyone who's showing any sign of being amused. 

I pause when I see a certain blonde boy at the very front of the group, laughing his ass off and cheering for Gally. I haven't really talked to Newt since my first day. I was slowly getting used to the glade and I was figuring out who I could trust and who I couldn't. I'd ignore any attempt he made to talk to me, which luckily, wasn't common. 

I start to slither my way out of the crowd, making my way back to the kitchen so these shanks don't starve. I honestly had no idea what a shank was until like 2 days ago but now its my favorite glade vocabulary word. They say a lot of weird things here. 

I start to cut the bread again, I can hear the crowd getting louder, more boys probably gathered around and Gally is probably winning even more than he already was.

He's done this a few times since I've been here, I know he has the like "fight circles" at the greenie bonfires but this is different. He just like, punches people? For no reason? He's spent four nights in the slammer and sent at least three people to the med jacks. It's embarrassing. 

I don't mind Gally. He's kind of a prick to most of the other gladers but he's been nice enough to me.

I finish cutting all the bread into thin slices before putting them in a stack-pile thing next to the plates. I had some rice cooking, so I walked over and checked on that. I'm not really the best at making meals taste good yet. Pretty much everything I cook is just like, sad and bland. Bread and rice is a great example of that! I made juice with some random berries too, though, so at least that had some flavor.

I waited for the boys to calm down and get their food, I played with my hair and put some small braids in it as I sat, bored. A few boys showed up one at a time, straying from the large group outside. Ten-ish minutes after the first few boys came over, all the others made their way over too. I served them all, giving some more than others. I always gave Newt less than I gave his friends. On the days that Thomas and Minho weren't running and could be at lunch, I'd give them extra. I have no idea if anyone actually notices but I think its funny and it gives me a sense of satisfaction.

Eventually the devil himself walks up to be served.

"Hey." Newt says coldly, I don't respond and just give him his stupid rice and bread, making sure that he got a smaller portion of the rice than everyone else. I also gave him a butt piece of the bread, so it was basically just crust. Im so hilarious.

He looks up at me, "Are you really just gonna ignore me forever?" I grin and shout "NEXT!" causing him to get shoved out of the way. Some of his rice falls out of the bowl, so he has even less food. I snicker as he walks off, cursing under his breath. I finish serving everyone then get myself some, I don't get any extra though cause I think that's a little too egotistical, even for me. 

Anyway, I take my bowl and find somewhere to sit. On the days Thomas and Minho aren't here I'm usually alone, I sat with some of the younger boys once. They were pretty nice, but none of them would chew with their mouths closed so I'm gonna avoid that from now on. I end up sitting alone against a tree stump, it was cut just a few days ago when someone realized the animals living in it might end up messing with the kitchen and food.

I shove the food in front of me around with my fork, sighing as I take a bite of the rice. Although I like the glade, and its getting easier to be here every day, I still wish things were different. Im not sure how different. Maybe another girl? It'd be nice to be able to just pour all of my trust into someone without doubting them or their reliability.

 Ive actually become really close with Thomas, me and Minho are cool too. I love them both like brothers, but even then its only been a week. Who knows what could happen? I've tried to push everyone away, which has become useful. People have stopped bothering me, no more whistles or comments.

People are kind of scared of me because on my first day I had forgotten to take Newts sweater off, people recognized it was his and by dinner there were plenty of rumors. I screamed at a few guys and I punched one for suggesting that me and Newt had... ya know...

I was almost thrown in the slammer, but then I told Alby why I did it, and he let me off with a warning since it was only my first full day. I ended up leaving the sweater at Newts door, I was REALLLYYYY tempted to burn it, but I didn't. I should've. 

I'm starting to make up names in my head. Names I could be. I have no clue what my real one is, and being called greenie CONSTANTLY is so annoying. If I don't remember by the next greenie coming up I'm gonna go insane because then Id literally have nothing to be called. I've been told your name is the only thing you remember, but maybe its different for me.

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now