Chapter 60 - A New Queen

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Father Lawrence asked Eleanor, "Do you swear to use mercy, law and justice in all of your judgments as Queen while maintaining the laws of God?"

She nodded her head and said, "I will."

Then he did the communion ceremony, laying a thin wafer of bread on her tongue and then he had her sip from a golden bejeweled goblet of red wine.

Then Father Lawrence recited a prayer in Latin as he anointed her forehead with oil in the shape of a cross.

She looked down and noticed she was trembling from nerves. Henry must have noticed too because he reached over and squeezed her hand reassuringly, giving her a soft smile. She smiled back, letting out an exhale and feeling a little more relaxed. She was thankful she had him beside her to help her get through this.

"Please rise," Father Lawrence told them and Henry stood and helped her to her feet as two attendants walked out carrying a dark red royal robe outlined in spotted fur that looked very similar to the one Henry wore at important events.

They walked over and helped her slip it on and she was surprised by how heavy it was. It literally felt like the weight of the world was on top of her shoulders.

Then Father Lawrence placed a scepter in one of her hands and a large jeweled orb in the other as he gave a speech about the importance of the Queen's role in the Kingdom.

Then Father Lawrence placed a scepter in one of her hands and a large jeweled orb in the other as he gave a speech about the importance of the Queen's role in the Kingdom

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After that, he reached over and lifted a small bejeweled crown off of a pillow beside him that looked just like Henry's crown, only smaller.

He hovered the crown above her head as he said, "Oh God our Father, we beseech thee to bless Eleanor Windsor, to protect her from any that would do her harm. We pray that she will have a long and fruitful life in service of the kingdom of England. We ask these things as I place this crown upon her head, dubbing her as the new Queen of England on this sacred day. Amen."

Father Lawrence lowered the jeweled crown down, placing it onto her head and Eleanor felt goosebumps raising up on her arms as a chill went over her skin. She couldn't believe she was really the Queen of England now. It was surreal.

As Eleanor and Henry stood back up, Father Lawrence announced to the crowd, "I hereby present unto you, Mrs. Eleanor Windsor of London, your undoubted Queen."

The crowd's loud cheering echoed through the abbey and then they started chanting, "Long live the Queen! Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Queen!"

The trumpeters sounded a fanfare and then the church bells started to ring to signal to the city of London that a new Queen had just been crowned.

Henry slipped his hand into hers and walked her over to the throne that was next to his. She hesitantly took a seat, looking over at him as he sat down on his throne too, looking so handsome that her eyes started to tear up.

"Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!" the crowd chanted over and over.

Henry looked over at her and smiled. "That crown suits you, you know. It looks like it was always meant to be there ........ My Queen."

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