Chapter 4 - Meeting King Henry

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**** Eleanor's Point of View *****

"Now remember, just let me do the talking," Thomas whispered as they waited outside the large wooden doors for their meeting with the King. She started wringing her hands, feeling so nervous about meeting King Henry.

She had heard rumors about how handsome he was and what an incredible warrior he was on the battlefield, but nothing about what kind of person he was. She wondered if he was kind or one of those ruthless, heartless kind of Kings she had read about in history books.

When the doors opened, Thomas took hold of Eleanor's upper arm as they entered the throne room, leading her inside and she caught a glimpse of the king sitting on his throne at the end of the long narrow room but she immediately looked down at the ground, feeling too nervous to look at him.

Thomas released her arm as they approached the throne and she finally looked up, noticing the rows of very well dressed people along the sides of the room that were staring at her with upturned noses. She hadn't realized their meeting with the King would have an audience. This must be entertainment for these courtiers.

Thomas bowed and greeted the King, who asked about his family while she stared at the floor.

"I'm sorry my lady. I didn't catch your name," the King finally told her.

Eleanor slowly lifted her head, and when she finally looked at King Henry, her heart skipped a beat. She had never seen anyone so handsome in her entire life.

She was so stunned she stood there speechless with her mouth hanging slightly open.

Her brain slowly registered the fact that he had asked for her name and she cleared her throat and barely choked out the words, "My name is Eleanor Finnigan."

Looking at him made her stomach flutter with butterflies and she swallowed hard, feeling her legs getting weak.

'How could someone really be that handsome?' she wondered. He was the kind of King fairy tales were made of.

He had a sharp, squared off jawline that was peppered lightly with stubble and strong chiseled cheekbones, one of which had a small slit of a scar that looked like an old battle wound, a masculine nose that went in a straight line from his eyes to the tip without a curve, bump or hook, and medium length straight dark brown hair that covered his forehead under his crown.

His face was so chiseled that it seemed like one of the marble statues of the Greek Gods in the garden had come to life. His eyes were locked onto hers and he was studying her face too, as if he was trying to figure her out and she wondered what he was thinking.

As she looked at the King and studied his handsome face she realized all the rumors she had heard about him must be true. There had been no exaggeration of how handsome he was so maybe everything else was true too.

Looking at King Henry and having his intense gaze on her made her heart beat faster and her breath got shallow, her skin heating up as she gazed up into his eyes, feeling instantly intimidated by his size and presence, his tall frame and broad shoulders.

He looked back down at the scroll in his hands and cleared his throat before saying, "So, Eleanor. This scroll says that you're a commoner with no title, wealth or bloodline. What experience do you have that would prepare you for being a royal courtier?"

Hearing that broke her out of the trance she was under and she remembered why she was here. She pictured the disappointed faces her family would have if her marriage to Thomas wasn't approved and she didn't want to let everyone down. Her family's future was depending on her.

She hesitated before saying, "I'm afraid I have none your highness." But she had to convince him she was fit to marry Thomas so she quickly added, "but I am well educated and I'm a VERY fast learner. I'm sure I could do it if I was given some guidance."

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