Chapter 55 - More Lies Uncovered

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"I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have said anything. You just woke up and you need to rest and take it easy," Eleanor told Henry, rubbing on his back as he leaned forward.

He turned his body to face her and said, "I don't need to take it easy. It just feels like I drank a little too much mead last night, but I'm fine. I want to know what you're talking about. Why are you saying I'm not the rightful King?"

Eleanor hesitated, looking into his eyes and trying to figure out how to tell him, before finally letting out an exhale and saying, "I really think Merlin should be the one to tell you himself."

"Fine. I don't care who tells me, as long as someone does. Will you please go get him? My mind won't be able to rest until I know what you're talking about."

"Of course," she said with a weak smile, leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the forehead before she slowly stood up and left the room. She wished she hadn't said anything and kept it to herself, but maybe knowing the truth would keep Henry from wanting to go back to London and fight to get his throne back.

She knew how much Henry had loved and looked up to his father, so she was sure he wouldn't react well to finding out that he wasn't really his son.

She found Father Lawrence and Merlin in the library, sorting through some old, dusty scrolls.

"Merlin," she said, clearing her throat. "Henry's awake," she said with a smile.

Merlin's eyes widened and Father Lawrence looked shocked too. They hugged each other and then Merlin said, "I have to see him."

"Wait!" Eleanor said, reaching out and grabbing his arm to stop him. "There's something I need to tell you first."

"What is it?" Merlin asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"Well, Henry was ready to get up and fight Arthur so I accidentally let it slip that he may not be the rightful King after all," she told him sheepishly.

"No, you didn't!" Merlin said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I did," she said, cringing. "He has the right to know the truth, but I think you should be the one to tell him yourself."

Merlin took a deep breath in and let out an exhale as he rubbed his hands over his face, thinking before finally nodding.

"You're right. He does have a right to know the truth," he said softly, hanging his head. "I'll go tell him."

Merlin reluctantly walked past her and down the hallway towards the bedroom that Henry was in. Before turning the corner, he looked back at Eleanor and said, "I think you should be in there with him when I tell him. He's going to need your support."

"Okay," she nodded, walking forward and following him into the bedroom.

Henry was sitting up against the headboard and the color had completely returned to his skin. Someone would never guess that he had been dead just a few short hours ago.

Eleanor walked to the right side of the bed and sat down next to him and Merlin pulled a chair up on the left side and sat down.

He took off his hat and twisted it in his hands before saying, "Henry, there's no easy way to tell you this. I only just found out myself yesterday and it came as quite a shock, so I know it will for you too."

"What is it Merlin? Just tell me," Henry urged. "Whatever it is, I can take it."

Merlin looked down at the hat in his hands, struggling to get the words out before finally saying, "I was about to propose to your mother when she got engaged to your father, who was my best friend at the time. I left town before the wedding and stayed gone for a few years after that because I couldn't bear to see the two of them together."

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