Chapter 56 - Recovering?

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That evening Henry went out in the backyard with Merlin and practiced sword fighting with wooden swords. He was moving so slow that Merlin kept catching him off guard and landing strikes on him before he could block them. His reaction time wasn't even close to what it normally was.

It was really hard for Eleanor to see him that way, but she put on a fake smile for him so he wouldn't feel more discouraged than he already was. She could tell he was getting frustrated, but he refused to give up. Every time Merlin suggested they should be done for the night, Henry would say, "No, let's go again." They practiced until it was too dark to see.

When they all sat down for dinner that night around the long rectangular table in Father Lawrence's dining room, Henry asked, "Have any of you heard news about what happened with the French and Spanish armies that were about to invade London when I was killed?"

"I have. I actually spoke with Lord Buxley when I visited the cathedral earlier," Father Lawrence told him.

"Did you tell him that I'm alive?" Henry asked.

"No, I think it's best for us to keep that to ourselves while you recover and gain your strength back."

Henry nodded. "That's a good idea. So what news did he have to share?"

"Well, he told me that your schemes to defend the city worked and the French and Spanish armies and ships have retreated and headed back home."

That brought a smile to Henry's face. "That's great news. I'm glad England won't be taken over by France and Spain."

Merlin nodded. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore. After their armies left without them, Arthur had the King of France and the Prince of Spain beheaded in the courtyard. With your Royal army backing him up and the Excalibur sword at his side that he stole from you, he seems to think he's invincible and able to take on the world."

Then Merlin and Father Lawrence looked at each other like there was something else, but they didn't want to say it.

"What is it?" Henry asked. "What are you not telling me?"

Merlin cleared his throat and said, "Lord Buxley also told me that Arthur has decided to get married and take a Queen. He is to be married in a week's time."

"Who is he marrying?" Henry asked with scrunched eyebrows.

Merlin hesitated before saying, "Your sister."

"Which one? Guinevere?"

Father Lawrence took a deep breath in and let it out before giving him a sympathetic look. "No Henry," he said softly, shaking his head. "He's marrying Joan."

"JOAN?!" Henry shouted, standing up out of his seat and throwing his napkin down onto his plate before slamming his fist down on the table. "How dare he! He obviously did this just to spite me. He had to know how furious I would be because the last man on earth I would ever want her to be married to is HIM."

"Well sire, I'm sure he didn't do it to make you angry. Arthur has no idea you're still alive," Father Lawrence told him. "As far as he knows, you're buried six feet under the ground somewhere."

Henry sat back down, letting out an exhale. "This is true. So have you heard what Joan thinks of this arrangement?"

"Lord Buxley says she's distraught and beside herself over it. It's a strange turn of events. She pined after Arthur for years and was completely smitten over him, like many of the young ladies in the Kingdom were, but obviously she despises him now because she thinks he killed her most beloved brother. He told me Arthur is forcing her into this marriage against her will."

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